Category: Tech
iOS Devices May Be Cheaper To Support Than Blackberry and Android
BlackBerry users cost[..] North American carriers in aggregate $46 million more a year to support than iPhone users, and Android users cost[..] $97 million more a year. I would like to see the actual report before making any real conclusions but these number are startling via Another reason to go iPhone: It’s cheaper to support…
Apple Store Opening 3km from RIM Waterloo Headquarters
Seriously, The new store is literally down the street from the RIM Campus where Mike and Jim have been trying to get QNX to fit into a BlackBerry or PlayBook device that actually works. What would be great is if the line-ups from the hopefully soon to be announced iPhone 5 manage to reach all…
3G iPod Touch Concept: Cool & Highly Unlikely!
via We took this concept to Photoshop, and we came up with the iPod Touch 3G. It looks exactly like the current iPod Touch, but has a black strip on the back. It also says “3G” in the menu bar. Along with that, it also features an integrated SIM card, as the next iPhone…
PlayBook 10″ On Hold For The BB QNX Superphone
the next BlackBerry PlayBook was on that list but given that development path has finally got them in trouble it’s now being suggested development on the next BlackBerry PlayBook has ceased. Reason for it? To concentrate development efforts on the next set of BlackBerry smartphones powered by QNX. via Via NOTE: This is pure…
On Hackintoshing For Dollars in General
Hackintoshing used to be a complicated process, but since Hackintosh expert tonymacx86 came around it’s gotten a lot easier. [..] While I had Whitson around to help me out, if you have some knowledge of how to build a computer this is likely something you can do. I am still surprised that the process was…
RIM Starts Bleeding More Marketing Execs
Another executive is out of Waterloo, ON. Today, The Wall Street Journal is reporting that it has confirmed the departure of Brian Wallace, VP of Digital Marketing and Media. The report also confirms that Wallace has been scooped up by Samsung Mobile. This move comes amid a flurry of other departures from RIM recently, including…
On Banning Apps and Care-taking: Apple vs the World
BGR reported on Tuesday about an application that attempted to trick users into setting a passcode identical to the pin used to lock their iPhones. The app then transmitted the PIN numbers in the background to the developer — albeit anonymously — who used them to publish a report covering the most commonly used iPhone…
RIM Stock Drops to a Four Year Low
From TechRadar It seems that investors have got the jitters as Apple nabs yet another key BlackBerry USP; iMessage is an instant messaging service for Apple devices on iOS 5, just as BlackBerry Messenger is for BlackBerry users. On Tuesday, RIMs stock fell to below $37 for the first time since 2007, a tumble of…