3G iPod Touch Concept: Cool & Highly Unlikely!

via 9to5Mac.com

We took this concept to Photoshop, and we came up with the iPod Touch 3G. It looks exactly like the current iPod Touch, but has a black strip on the back. It also says “3G” in the menu bar. Along with that, it also features an integrated SIM card, as the next iPhone is rumored to have.

The Business application alone for this device would be outstanding. From cash register application à la Apple Store to Inventory Management with QR codes and custom enterprise apps, not to mention all the dispatch systems that want to track packages and courier deliveries without allowing the driver/rider to access voice plans or unauthorised apps. In short a device like this with it’s “already on” hardware encryption and coupled with some good security certificates and mobile device management tool could really help any size business leverage mobility in way that have up to now simply been too costly and unyielding to build.

Can you imagine if all your teen needed was a good data plan, iMessage, Facetime and Skype?

However, it’s just a shame that it will never happen. There is just no way any mobile telecom provider will let Apple release a 3G device that would completely cripple their “teen market”. Can you imagine if all your teen needed was a good data plan, iMessage, Facetime and Skype? Buh-Bye feature phone market and Buh-Bye pay as you go!