Category: Tech
DIY USB cable repair ; challenge accepted.
I will follow up to edno’s hardware laden post (nice one, BTW) with my own brand of DIY tutorial happiness. NOTA : This is a simple tutorial and by no means THE definitive soldering How-To. I’m not an expert but the job I did with the oscillating tool, as related here, worked as it was…
Building a semi-powerhouse gaming PC station
The conundrum was in how to sell this idea to the better half.
Consumerisation and the LiteralNet
This one is just for fun, but it strike a cord in most IT departments. The simple truth is that if you want to bring your own “toys” to work, you have better know how it works and expect to do a little Googling when things go awry. via ReadWriteWeb: Comics, The Real Story Behind…
Millennial: iPad king of tablets with 456% growth
The iPad dominated tablets, having grown a whopping 456% between the third quarter in 2010 and this past quarter, and impressions across iOS grew 60% over the same period. Apple was the top manufacturer on Millennial’s network in the third quarter with a 23.09% share followed by Samsung (16.48%), HTC (15.5%), RIM (11.05%) and Motorola…
I had thought about what I was going to do when all the TV stations up north here followed their cousins down south and switched exclusively to digital transmissions. But I hadn’t done anything about it. So now was the time because my wife’s backlog of taped summer shows was running out and the fall…
Paul Thurrot Still Doesn’t Understand Upgrade Cycles
There’s a long-running joke that Apple’s fans would buy anything the company sold, no matter the quality. But this past weekend, the joke became reality when the Cupertino consumer electronics giant sold 4 million units of a smart phone, the iPhone 4S, which even its most charitable supporters have described as an evolutionary update over…
My Thoughts on New iPhone Day
In about 4 hours, Tim Cook will take the stage for his first ever keynote as CEO of Apple and he will talk about phones. That is all that Apple has said officially so far. However this Apple and the mobility world and the Technorati can’t help themselves from making the wildest and most improbable…
RWW on the iPad as a Notebook Alternative
“I don’t see tablets, including the iPad, as replacements for notebooks,” says Nathan Clevenger, author of the new book iPad in the Enterprise, and chief software architect at management and IT consulting firm ITR Mobility. “Rather, they displace a lot of the things you would do on those devices.” Never underestimate the value of task…
Harry McCracken on the iPad Rivals of 2010
Spoiler: If you like happy endings, you should stop reading now. It really is as sad as it sounds. Read on for the an in depth and complete run through of the class that never quite made it. via Whatever Happened to the iPad Rivals of 2010? | Technologizer.
‘Bring your own device’ programs opening doors for iOS in the Enterprise
“You shouldn’t reject things that make employees more productive, and if those things happen to be consumer technologies, so be it,” said Ted Schadler, an analyst with Forrester Research. [..] Letting workers bring their iPhones and iPads to work can also save companies money. In some cases, employees pay for equipment themselves and seek tech…