TechTECHnically Google To Set New Image Standard For The Web: WebP October 4, 2010 1198 views Chromium Blog: WebP, a new image format for the Web: “Images and photos make up about 65% of the bytes…
BlogFunny Sad day for Macstuff cabling. October 3, 2010 1755 views Ahhh, our furry companions, source of comfort and pride. They are also a weaselly bunch when they want to be. …
EditorialTech To Get Things Done or Not? September 23, 2010 2279 views My thoughts in response to a ForkBombr article, a Tweet from @AFrogInTheValley (aka Sylvain Carle) and a shared discussion in…
EditorialTech Was Scott Adams at PodCCamp Montreal? September 13, 2010 824 views Dilbert Social Media: “Was Scott Adams at PodCCamp Montreal?” (Via Schultzter.)
EditorialTech FaceTime on the Desktop? Yes Please! September 10, 2010 1416 views FaceTime Set to Come to Mac OS X and Windows?: “To begin, iLife ’11, which we announced this summer (with…
ReviewsTech Montreal band Metric Launch the Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant August 5, 2010 1113 views Montreal based indie band Metric headlined a free open air concert for the Samsung launch of the Galaxy S Vibrant…
BlogEditorial Hand over your wallets! I’ve got an iPhone and you’re gonna buy it!!! July 27, 2010 2379 views So Apple has generously reminded us that the latest saviour of our high-tech (un-American) soul goes on sale this Friday…
BlogEditorial Apple Doesn’t Announce the Magic Trackpad and Still Trends Worldwide July 27, 2010 1189 views So Apple very quietly refreshed its desktop line this morning, the iMacs are faster, the Mac Pro now has 12…
EditorialTech We are deeply sorry – Steve Jobs Aplogizes and Hands Out Freebies July 16, 2010 1131 views To our customers who are affected by the issue, we are deeply sorry, and we are going to give you…
ReviewsTech Camera+ for the iPhone: Pure Clickety Goodness July 6, 2010 1360 views When my fellow Canuck and shutterbug, Lisa Bettany, teamed up for with the TapTapTap guys to make Camera+ (iTunes link)…