Category: Tech
Live DadCasts and Lessons Learnt
So last Monday night we held our first live DadCast in Montreal’s trendy Mesa 14 restaurant with Montreal systems biologist, photoblogger and awesome Dad André Nantel; let me just say that we had a blast… André is a great guy to talk too with so many awesome stories, and not just geeky ones either although…
Update to the GMail Keyboard Shortcut graphical cheat sheet
Thanks to a post over at the Google Operating System blog I became aware of a couple new keyboard short-cuts when using GMail. The two now short-cuts aren’t documented but they work as advertised: b will create a new e-mail with both the CC and BCC fields displayed, while d will create a new e-mail with…
Adobe Going Public with its Audition for Mac Beta
Adobe offers public beta of Audition for Mac: Adobe has introduced a public beta of Audition for Mac, its professional audio toolset for recording, mixing, editing and mastering. You can join the free public beta for Audition for Mac here. As I mentioned in my last post: iLife 11 • Garageband: The Podcaster’s Crippleware, Adobe…
Apple To Stop Including Adobe Flash In All MacBooks
Apple responds on missing Flash in new MacBook Airs, says get used to it — Engadget: “We’re happy to continue to support Flash on the Mac, and the best way for users to always have the most up to date and secure version is to download it directly from Adobe.” We mentioned this in Episode…
How Badly Does Samsung Want To Be Apple?
Samsung gets official with Galaxy Tab accessory lineup — Engadget: “The two standouts are undoubtedly the Keyboard Dock and Multimedia Desk Dock, which each also double as a charger and pack a 3.5mm audio output, plus an HDMI out on the multimedia dock — look for them to set you back £69.99 and £39.99, respectively…
Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect Calls It A Day
Ray Ozzie, Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect, is calling it quits — Engadget: “Ballmer doesn’t plan to fill the ‘unique’ role of Chief Software Architect when he’s gone.” Just one more example of how Microsoft is slowly losing the war and grip on reality. Windows 7 is a pretty good effort, I would even say the…
Bell Canada Gives The Great White Shaft to Data Users
Bell Canada to charge $10 tariff for HSPA+ access? « Boy Genius Report: “BGR has just obtained a memo that indicates Bell customers will have to fork over a $10 per month premium for access to the company’s HSPA+ wireless network.” This story really pissed me off this morning, especially after reading last week’s report…
Lazy Beats Free: Ease Over Piracy
Over The Hedge: My good buddy Eric AKA @Schultzter sent me this comic as an @reply on Twitter this morning probably as some sort of jibe over the fact that Steve McGoo (@mtl_steve) and I have gone a little gaga over the new AppleTV and the recent introduction of with its too good to…
The Fanboys of Downing Street
PM David Cameron: ON iPads and Wireless Music: “I’m very proud of the fact that I’ve got an iMac and I’ve got a speaker remotely linked without a wire which I did myself. I have all the music on the iMac. The cool thing is that I now control my iMac from the iPad, to…
Here comes Google TV
So while my buddies over a 2FatDads have been busy buying up all the local stock of AppleTV‘s for every room in their house (even ones without a TV), I’ve been patiently waiting for Google TV! And now it’s here. Almost. Update: Logitech has announced their set-top box, the Revue, and it’s available for pre-order!…