ReviewsTech How do I get my Hotmail access on my BlackBerry? August 20, 2008 1052 views I get asked this question all the time from freinds and colleagues who have paid for the Windows Live Messenger…
FunnyReviews MS Office 2008 for Mac: Makes You Wanna PUKE! July 7, 2008 877 views I’m very slowly getting used to MS Office 2008 for the Mac and to tell you the truth it’s not…
ReviewsTech Robbers give the Canadian iPhone Owners the Shaft June 29, 2008 1224 views Make sure you stop by to sign the petition and let Robbers Telecom know that they can’t keep giving Canadians…
ReviewsTech Google Reader Shared Notes: For Only The Laziest of Bloggers June 3, 2008 1154 views Anyone know how to get my Google Reader Shared Notes to feed directly into my blog as new posts? Yes…
FunnyReviews Canadian and International Price of Gas Continues to Rise June 2, 2008 892 views Especially the week before and long weekend and a national holiday. Bastards! (if the above image is yours, my apologies…
ReviewsTech Outrageous DoS attack on Revision3 Servers in the name of security? May 29, 2008 1535 views This weekend Revision3 was hit hard by a DoS that deprived me and countless others from enjoying Veronica Belmont, Patrick…
ReviewsTech Newton 2 – Yeah I could go for that. May 23, 2008 930 views This rumour is really starting to take some legs. And to tell you the truth, I’m starting to think it’s…
ReviewsTech Bell Canada Sells Video Online As ISP Throttling Continues May 22, 2008 1262 views Ars Technica has a brilliant article about how absurd the Net Neutrality issue has become in Canada. I am now…
ReviewsTech iPhone Comes to Canada: Rogers Sales Tank Until Q4 April 29, 2008 1199 views Today “Robbers” have announced that they will be getting the Apple iPhone this year.BoyGenius Reports: It took them long enough!…
ReviewsTech The CBC weighs in on Net Neutrality: ISP’s still Suck! April 2, 2008 1302 views Bell and other Canadian ISP seem to have hit some type of nerve in The Great White North that is…