Category: Reviews
Bell throttling P2P and Bit Torrent Protocols: Everyone Loses!
Bell Sympatico, The Great White North’s largest internet service provider for consumers and reseller has officially and openly started packet shaping it’s network traffic to curb the effect of peer to peer file sharing and Bit Torrent protocols. Which is just ridiculous and down right wrong. ISP’s have to stop acting like Cyber police officers…
Kopi Luwak Coffee: $h!t , That’s Good Coffee!
This is by far the coolest coffee in the world! In fact, I tell just about everyone I meet about Kopi Luwak coffee and no one ever believes me until I email them the Wiki link. It’s amazing that the Royal Family and Oprah would pay $65 a cup to drink something that came out…
Apple releases Safari 3.1 for Mac and Windows
And there was much rejoicing. Apple has released an updated version of the Safari web browser with a slew of performance, compatibility, and reliability tweaks. Safari 3.1 also adds support for CSS 3 web fonts, HTML 5 audio and video elements, and other web standards. Safari was the first browser to pass the Acid2 standards…
Twitter in Plain English…
Anyone who has visited any of my blogs knows that I have quite the penchant for Twitter. It’s community seems more vibrant with thoughts, things overheard, questions and ideas rather than just being somebody’s life aggregator (sorry Jaiku). I have to admit that I have been prone to Twittering Habs hockey games, ski trips and…
Free Google WiFi Through your Toilet?
Google TiSP (BETA) is a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless router to one of thousands of TiSP Access Nodes via fiber-optic cable strung through your local municipal sewage lines. Thanks to Eric for giving us the heads up on this new Google Labs Beta program.…
Unicat RV: Now this is a Land Yacht!
My parents spend their winters driving around the south in a 34 foot RV with an expendable kitchen and living. I _USED_ to think it was real cool until I saw this Unicat! Even Bobby DeNiro would be envious of this rig. I so need one and I have already set up a special savings…
Twitter and the SuperBowl Effect
I have to admit even I found this a little shocking and very cool. [via Daring Fireball]
Social Networking Bankruptcy?
A good friend and fellow techie, Steve McGurn, has done the unthinkable and declared amnesty on his social networking profiles. I know this will sound insane coming from a WEB2.0 evangelist such as me, but he’s right. The idea of all these networks sounds great. Find old school chums on Facebook, keep up to date…
BlackBerry’s Dark Little GPS Secret
You _don’t_ need TeleNav! What you say? BlackBerry holding out their beloved _crackberry_ loyalists? Well yes, in the case of their GPS services they have completely undersold their own apps in order to sell you something you probably don’t even need. I had never really used BlackBerry Maps on the my previous BB 7250 and…