Category: Reviews
My take on Avatar, on this episode of Flacking the Flicks.
Around me, many folks are gung-ho to see Avatar, James Cameron’s newest film. They say it will be nothing short of a Cinematic Revelation. Some are adamant that this will be The-biggest-movie-of-the-Summah (for those who remember Arnold Schwarzenegger’s boast of his 1993 flop, The Last Action Hero). Although I find the term revelation a tad…
Schultzter’s Holiday Reading List
So what is the Schultzter going to be reading this holiday season? Here’s a quick look…
Today on Flacking the Flicks: Terminator Salvation DVD review.
**Attention – Spoilers ahead** The Terminator films have become classics within the Sci-Fi/Action realm, 25 years after the initial release. Most of you know the the story; one man, John Connor, is the leader of the human Resistance against Skynet and his mechanical minions. The humans band together under his leadership and eventually destroy the…
Johnny Canuck’s Holiday Reading List
So what am I reading these days? The holidays are coming up and if their is a special geek in your life, you might want to pick up copy of some of my geek favourites. If you use the links below, you’ll be taken to Amazon.CA and your purchase will help to keep The 2…
Flacking the Flicks – Intro.
This is the working title I’ll be using for articles that will deal with the Entertainment Industry as a whole (henceforth known as The ‘Dust). From Big Screen movies to DVDs, Television shows and Internet Media, I’ll add my grain of salt (oh-hum) to an already existing Critics Community Shaker. Unlike a certain well known…
7 Minutes with Windows 7
We do a lot of Windows bashing here at and in all fairness we usually have been given many good reasons to be so negative about the aging and flailing Microsoft OS. We’ll been using it since the Windows 3 days and most of us are very knowledge at making it do our will.…
Snow Leopard’s coming (oh wait, it’s here!)
The latest installment of Apple’s big cat OS is on its way (literally, at the time of starting this post it was leaving the sorting hub and on its way to a delivery truck). At first I was skeptical about buying a (.0) OS release, but rumors are rampant that 10.6.1 is in the pipeline…
The Cataclysm is coming…
So they want me to blog more. ‘Pick any topic, as long as you blog’ they say. ‘Talk about WoW, there might be a few people out there that are interesting in whatever you have to say’. Fine, consider it done, this I can do! Although I have been WoWing (short for playing World of Warcraft…
Snow Leopard: Hands On
Before I even get started with this, let me just that this hands on review will not rival John Siracusa’s in depth analysis of the latest flavour of Mac OS X. If you need that much detail, please go ahead and read his article here. It’s no secret that most of the Fat Dads…