Tag: Apple
DadCast Episode 30 • Now With More Rawness
The global еlесtrісаl еnеrgу соnѕumрtіоn is ѕtіll rіѕіng аnd there is a ѕtеаdу dеmаnd tо increase thе роwеr сарасіtу. It is еxресtеd thаt it has tо bе doubled within 20 уеаrѕ. The рrоduсtіоn, dіѕtrіbutіоn аnd uѕе of thе еnеrgу should be аѕ tесhnоlоgісаl еffісіеnt аѕ possible аnd іnсеntіvеѕ tо save еnеrgу аt the еnd-uѕеr should…
iLife 11 • Garageband: The Podcaster’s Crippleware
It’s harsh but there simply no other to describe what Apple’s Garageband means to podcasters and other producers of audio programming then to slate is it as Crippleware, the equipment is very important on the recording of music and before that you try any new app o equipment is important that you check the advises…
Apple and Near Field Communications
iPhone 5 will be remote computing on steroids | 9 to 5 Mac iPhone 5 will be remote computing on steroids | Apple Intelligence: “The scoop is that use of Near Field Communication (NFC) technologies at Apple extends beyond personal security and payment systems and will also include solutions for remote computing on steroids. As…
BGR on the MacBook Air
Apple MacBook Air review | BGR: “Soon, all laptops will not require moving parts, they will also offer almost instant boot times, run cool, run fast, and they’ll be thin. Because thin is in.” It’s hard not to drink the Kool-Aid when they mix in a 40 oz of Vodka. The review is good, but…
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : What’s the #1 most crazy idea Steve Ballmer has ever heard?: “‘You’re going to take an iPod and add a radio to it and turn it into a phone? And you’re going to charge five hundred dollars for a phone? A phone that plays music? Well, good luck…
Marco Ament on The MacBook Air Backlit Keyboard
Marco.org: “But I doubt that the backlit keyboard was dropped for power or cost reasons (at least, I hope it wasn’t). A more likely explanation might be that it was simply too thick.” We talked about this in the DadCast Episode 26, Marco’s explanation is somewhat valid, LED are very small and power friendly so…
Aperture 3.1 Released: Major Performance Fixes
Aperture 3.1: Release notes: “Library Improves performance when opening large libraries. Fixes an issue that could prevent thumbnails from being properly rendered when reprocessing masters. Addresses reliability and performance issues when running Repair Database and Rebuild Database operations in Aperture Library First Aid. Improves reliability of upgrading libraries with images containing Spot & Patch adjustments.…
Apple To Stop Including Adobe Flash In All MacBooks
Apple responds on missing Flash in new MacBook Airs, says get used to it — Engadget: “We’re happy to continue to support Flash on the Mac, and the best way for users to always have the most up to date and secure version is to download it directly from Adobe.” We mentioned this in Episode…
DadCast Episode 26 • The Lion In Waiting
Nearly Live from the WendyHouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we have the pleasure of being joined by with our first ever special guest dad: Stephen Hackett of founder of Forkbombr.net, guest writer for MacGasm.net and all around awesome dad of two great kids. Stephen joins us to discuss this week’s “Back to the…
2FatDads Bingo Card • Apple Back To The Mac
Just ahead of today’s Apple Back To The Mac announcement, we thought we would put together a Bingo Card for you all to follow along with on the rumours that have been circulating in the past week. This idea was initially adapted from https://bingobuddha.com because it brought the vibe like bingo, while rumors had to…