Tag: Apple
Amazon Lights Up Android’s Fork in the Road with Kindle Fire
What does Amazon have that Motorola, HTC, Samsung, LG, Huawei do not? In a word … everything. That pretty much sums it up quite nicely, must of us were hoping that Google and Amazon would have teamed up a little better on this and developed and true iPad competitor. Unfortunately, the reality is that…
‘Bring your own device’ programs opening doors for iOS in the Enterprise
“You shouldn’t reject things that make employees more productive, and if those things happen to be consumer technologies, so be it,” said Ted Schadler, an analyst with Forrester Research. [..] Letting workers bring their iPhones and iPads to work can also save companies money. In some cases, employees pay for equipment themselves and seek tech…
Woz on Jobs: Apple is Set Up
“You’ve got to remember. He was surrounded by great, great people at Apple … and those people are still there,” [..] “I don’t think the core Apple culture will change because of (Jobs’) leaving, not for a long time. Apple is set up. It just needs to stay financially responsible.” There’s a good reason people…
Michael Geist on RIM’s Woes and The Canadian Telecom Policy
This is an excellent piece from one of Canada’s premier columnist on technology law issues and law professor at the University of Ottawa. this particular article takes up the argument that the Canadian Government should step in to assist RIM in order to avoid another “Nortel” disaster. We have already spoken up about this aid…
Apple Store Opening 3km from RIM Waterloo Headquarters
Seriously, The new store is literally down the street from the RIM Campus where Mike and Jim have been trying to get QNX to fit into a BlackBerry or PlayBook device that actually works. What would be great is if the line-ups from the hopefully soon to be announced iPhone 5 manage to reach all…
Forkbombr: Mac Community Crushed By Lion’s Non-Release, Cries out for Mercy
This is one if the funniest and most clever ForkBombr pieces by Stephen in a long time, I am so glad he is finally putting that journalism degree to good use. No quotes, no summaries, just head on over and read it…. RIGHT NOW! Forkbombr — Mac Community Crushed By Lion’s Non-Release, Cries out for…
3G iPod Touch Concept: Cool & Highly Unlikely!
via 9to5Mac.com We took this concept to Photoshop, and we came up with the iPod Touch 3G. It looks exactly like the current iPod Touch, but has a black strip on the back. It also says “3G” in the menu bar. Along with that, it also features an integrated SIM card, as the next iPhone…
Prepping for The John Siracusa OS X Lion Review
A huge nod to Stephen at Forkbombr for the find. New OS X release reviews from John Siracusa at Ars Technica are always fantastic although very long read. I think the Snow Leopard review took a few days to get through and at least a few weeks to digest properly. Forkbombr — Preparing for John…
DadCast Episode 40 • Just Whipping It Out
How to Maintain a Healthy Eating Lifestyle What you eat each day affects your health and how you feel now and in the future. Good nutrition plays a major role in helping you lead a healthy lifestyle. When combined with physical activity, your diet can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight and reduce…
On Hackintoshing For Dollars in General
Hackintoshing used to be a complicated process, but since Hackintosh expert tonymacx86 came around it’s gotten a lot easier. [..] While I had Whitson around to help me out, if you have some knowledge of how to build a computer this is likely something you can do. I am still surprised that the process was…