Tag: Apple
How Badly Does Samsung Want To Be Apple?
Samsung gets official with Galaxy Tab accessory lineup — Engadget: “The two standouts are undoubtedly the Keyboard Dock and Multimedia Desk Dock, which each also double as a charger and pack a 3.5mm audio output, plus an HDMI out on the multimedia dock — look for them to set you back £69.99 and £39.99, respectively…
DadCast Episode 25 • You’re Not in Kansas Anymore McGoo
Nearly Live From the WendyHouse Studios of Valois Bay… Just ahead of the big Apple “Back to the Mac” announcement on October 20th that may or may not be about a new OS. The rumour mill has it that it should be 10.7 and not simply an incremental dot release. We should point out that…
GoogleTV Hardware Is Too Expensive and Lackluster
Google TV launch hardware looks to be expensive, clunky: “Are consumers ready to use a keyboard with their TV?” You might have noticed that we have been focussing pretty hard on the recent string of “Stream To Your TV” devices launched, Steve and I each got an AppleTV and Eric seems to be holding out…
Lazy Beats Free: Ease Over Piracy
Over The Hedge: My good buddy Eric AKA @Schultzter sent me this comic as an @reply on Twitter this morning probably as some sort of jibe over the fact that Steve McGoo (@mtl_steve) and I have gone a little gaga over the new AppleTV and the recent introduction of Netflix.ca with its too good to…
New AppleTV – Glass half full
Ok so our new AppleTV arrived on Friday. First impression: the box is tiny!
The Fanboys of Downing Street
PM David Cameron: ON iPads and Wireless Music: “I’m very proud of the fact that I’ve got an iMac and I’ve got a speaker remotely linked without a wire which I did myself. I have all the music on the iMac. The cool thing is that I now control my iMac from the iPad, to…
Here comes Google TV
So while my buddies over a 2FatDads have been busy buying up all the local stock of AppleTV‘s for every room in their house (even ones without a TV), I’ve been patiently waiting for Google TV! And now it’s here. Almost. Update: Logitech has announced their set-top box, the Revue, and it’s available for pre-order!…
Apple Remote For iPhone To Have In-App Purchases?
I got my shipping notice for the new Apple TV yesterday and this morning I noticed that there was an update in the App Store for the Apple Remote bringing the version to 2.0. Apart from the Retina Display optimization and the new support for shared libraries as well as the new Apple TV, I…
DadCast Episode 19 – Don’t Mention The A Word
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… It’s our third season and boy are we pumped, we’re laying it down so hard this year, or whatever it is I’m doing in this picture. So please join us for our first full show of the new season and our summer round up and of…
DadCast 18 – Season 3 The PodCamp Montreal PreShow
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… As we start packing our laptop bags for this weekends’ PodCamp Montreal, we thought we’d put together a special 2FatDads introspective / retrospective from all of the chaos that happens before we start the show. This is most definitely not a how-to white paper on podcasting…