Category: TECHnically
Our Friend Adi Time Travels To Warn RIM About the Torch
TELUS puts up BlackBerry Torch “Coming Soon” page | “Hi RIM, i’m a time traveller from the past. I came here from the year 2007 and i noticed that your technology is at the same level it was back in 2007 but you’re selling it at the same price as your competitors 2010 devices.…
YouTube Launches Movies, But For Who?
When I look at the selection made on the home page for the new movie service, I ask myself who the exactly is this intended for? Jackie Chan imports, T&A B-movies, Bollywood stuff and Teen Slashers. Really? Who picked these? A bunch of Google Engineers high on Mountain Dew and Twinkies or creepy Eric Schmidt.…
Metropolis Now Fully Restored Opens In London
Fritz Lang’s Metropolis was required viewing for my Communications class in University and while others slipped out the back I sat through it with a 16 OZ cup of something very dark from the Second Cup on St-Denis and was blown away this classic Sci-Fi masterpiece. Visually it is was so compelling to watch that…
Fat-Fingered Sumo Wrestlers Given iPads
BBC News – Fat-fingered sumo wrestlers given iPads: “Fat-fingered sumo wrestlers, unable to tap the keys on a standard mobile phone, are being given iPads to help improve communication.” Quite Possibly the best headline I have read this morning. Thank you Auntie Beeb.
Google Goggles To Iphone By Year’s End (via Boy Genius Report)
Yahoo! News: Google Goggles to iPhone by year’s end « Boy Genius Report: “Speaking at the Hot Chips conference at Stanford University, Goggles’ project lead David Petrou noted that the application would come to the iPhone before the end of 2010.” I’m actually really looking forward to this because right now augmented reality on the…
I Just Need Need Your Address -via XKCD
xkcd: I Don’t Want Directions: “Sadly this happens to us far more often than we would like it. “ Also this should give Steve’s TomTom Go 720 review a new set of legs for another 6 months.
Did Justin Long JailBreak his iPhone or was he Kimmel’d
After seeing the obvious Cydia logo on Justin Long’s iPhone, I had to snicker that he had actually JailBroken his phone and left it on that app page when the only obvious button in the dock is the SMS button. But then it occurred to me that the phone’s screen was being displayed live on…
So What’s Your GeekBench Score?
Primate Labs Geekbench: “Geekbench provides a comprehensive set of benchmarks engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. Designed to make benchmarks easy to run and easy to understand, Geekbench takes the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.” So we had a little fun in the office benchmarking Adi’s new…
Montreal band Metric Launch the Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant
Montreal based indie band Metric headlined a free open air concert for the Samsung launch of the Galaxy S Vibrant last night outside Toronto Union Station. So after leaving my afternoon meeting in downtown Toronto last night, I decided to check out Foursquare for good pubs nearby and noticed that 40 people were trending at…
Auntie Beeb Considering the IPad, Old Grey Whistle Test
BBC trialling iPad – IT Business – News & Features – “BBC CIO John Linwood revealed the details of the trial in an interview with UK magazine Computing. ‘We’re seeding the organisation [with the devices],’ he said. ‘We put some iPads into production and some into management and other roles to see if people…