EditorialTech Live DadCasts and Lessons Learnt November 26, 2010 1424 views So last Monday night we held our first live DadCast in Montreal’s trendy Mesa 14 restaurant with Montreal systems biologist,…
Stuff iPhone gets UberTwitter – But Why? November 24, 2010 954 views iPhone gets UberTwitter client, BlackBerrys have one less reason to exist — Engadget: “The major distinguishing feature being touted is…
Read more Tech Update to the GMail Keyboard Shortcut graphical cheat sheet November 18, 2010 1503 views Thanks to a post over at the Google Operating System blog I became aware of a couple new keyboard short-cuts when…
EditorialTech Adobe Going Public with its Audition for Mac Beta November 9, 2010 1047 views Adobe offers public beta of Audition for Mac: Adobe has introduced a public beta of Audition for Mac, its professional…
Stuff Is it Too Little, Too Late for hp Palm? November 8, 2010 1348 views Five future Palm devices pop up in webOS 2.0 code? | BGR: “Well, the folks over at WebOS Internals have…
Stuff Apple and Near Field Communications November 1, 2010 1324 views iPhone 5 will be remote computing on steroids | 9 to 5 Mac iPhone 5 will be remote computing on…
Stuff BGR on the MacBook Air November 1, 2010 1119 views Apple MacBook Air review | BGR: “Soon, all laptops will not require moving parts, they will also offer almost instant…
Stuff Secre-Terrible Jobs October 27, 2010 888 views I am now so bad at writing in English that iI’m actively inventing words to express my extreme dissatisfaction with…
Stuff BlackBerry PlayBook Demo Highlights from Adobe MAX October 27, 2010 923 views I just posted the following comment on the Blackberry’s Developer’s Blog article BlackBerry PlayBook Demo Highlights from Adobe MAX. Seriously?!…
EditorialTECHnically REALLY?? October 27, 2010 978 views The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : What’s the #1 most crazy idea Steve Ballmer has ever heard?: “‘You’re going…