Category: Video
Samsung Starts Touting SAFE Devices as BB10 Launch Nears
Not happy with picking on Apple hipster, it would appear that 2013 will be the year that Samsung starts picking fights with BlackBerry. I guess they must have a surplus or marketing funds. That said, this video is actually very funny and quite clever. Samsung anti-BlackBerry ad targets business users | BGR.
The Nokia 920 Fastball Challenge
These guys take set up a couple of phones in front of a pitching machine. The Nokia Lumia 920 gets hit with a fast ball, keeps filming and looks great afterwards, Samsung Galaxy SIII not so much: Nokia 920 Fastball Challenge Pretty sure that none of the iPhones would survive this, nor would I…
SlapShot Ready iPhone Case
I might have to pick one of these up for the rest of the coaching season. Pretty impressive demo, 132 km/h slapshot @ 30,000 PSi and not a bad shot either. Preorder here: G-Form via G-Form LLC
Robelus Wireless Comes to Canada I will be the first to admit that we Canucks get the Great White Shaft when it comes to Superbowl commercials but this one ad from Public Mobile for Roam Raging on Robelus Wireless is simply awesome.
Prepping for The John Siracusa OS X Lion Review
A huge nod to Stephen at Forkbombr for the find. New OS X release reviews from John Siracusa at Ars Technica are always fantastic although very long read. I think the Snow Leopard review took a few days to get through and at least a few weeks to digest properly. Forkbombr — Preparing for John…
Skype for Mac 5.0 Goes Gold, Only Deserves Bronze
My biggest complaint is that it’s still too big and adding users to a call is still a bit of a dark art. Skype also seems to be in a real hurry to ditch audio calls in favour of premium video conference calls which just seem to make everyone involved feel awkward. The reality is…
The Dual Dell Vostrocity FreeFall Fall
This morning, Ken (@TheGeekCook) and Adi (@Adisor19) where trying to set up a brand new Dell Vostro that just would not turn on. Before declaring it DOA and after a bit of searching and experimentation, they discover that free fall chip, accelerometer, built in these two machines will simply shut each other down if they…
What the ZUCK? Facebook Datacenter to be Fueled by COAL
Greenpeace s’attaque à Mark Zuckerberg…et au charbon | Marie-Eve Morasse | Nouvelles: “Facebook, fort de 500 millions de membres, doit ouvrir sous peu un centre de traitement des données à Prineville, en Oregon, lequel sera alimenté à 67% par des centrales au charbon” Didn’t this guy to go Havard? Isn’t he supposed to be a…
Arthur C Clarke Predicts the Internets and Teleworking back in 1964
Arthur C Clarke Predicts the Internets & Telework back in 1964
I never knew » Blog Archive » Arthur C Clarke predicting the future in 1964 Arthur C Clarke Predicts the Internets and Teleworking back in 1964 It’s rather eerie how right he actually was.
Did Justin Long JailBreak his iPhone or was he Kimmel’d
After seeing the obvious Cydia logo on Justin Long’s iPhone, I had to snicker that he had actually JailBroken his phone and left it on that app page when the only obvious button in the dock is the SMS button. But then it occurred to me that the phone’s screen was being displayed live on…