Tag: Reviews
My take on Avatar, on this episode of Flacking the Flicks.
Around me, many folks are gung-ho to see Avatar, James Cameron’s newest film. They say it will be nothing short of a Cinematic Revelation. Some are adamant that this will be The-biggest-movie-of-the-Summah (for those who remember Arnold Schwarzenegger’s boast of his 1993 flop, The Last Action Hero). Although I find the term revelation a tad…
Schultzter’s Holiday Reading List
So what is the Schultzter going to be reading this holiday season? Here’s a quick look…
The cat’s meow: A response to Johnny’s callout.
I won’t go as far as calling SL a snow job, I’d rather call it a dubious marketing strategy, with much win to Apple’s portfolio! To unquote Leo Laporte, as he was only trying to be clever with a bad pun, Apple had nothing to hide with this latest update nor were they covering up…
Snow Leopard: Hands On
Before I even get started with this, let me just that this hands on review will not rival John Siracusa’s in depth analysis of the latest flavour of Mac OS X. If you need that much detail, please go ahead and read his article here. It’s no secret that most of the Fat Dads…
The Economies of Coffee
I would like to point out that I am in no way trained in the the dark arts of being and Economist, however I am rather cheap and observant. These are the only credentials that I need in order to write this post. Four years ago when I got my full time Web Development job…
Making the PHP Switch… Hello WordPress!
The 2 Fat Dads sites are going to be down this weekend with the slight exception of this blog which is hosted by Blogger (for the moment). This is because we are making a move over to PHP after a very long relationship with ASP which became ASP 3 and eventually ASP Classic. Yes it…
OK! NOW you have my attention!
October 14th is the date. http://store.apple.com/ca/
Bell GPS-Gate Update
It would appear that Bell has decided to back off it’s initial plan to thwart 3rd party access to the GPS radio on it’s BlackBerry units. Who knows if this blog, The Boy Genius Reports or the insane amount of negative posts on Howard Forums had anything to do with it. Maybe the Bell legal team finally realised that…
Bell is now crippling GPS on BlackBerry
This is a story that is making it way around the tech crowd a lot this but has not gotten a lot and lot of media attention elsewhere yet. The Boy Genius Report Blog reports that: Over the next few weeks, Bell may be increasing the GPS lock time (2-10 minutes) and resolution (1-2.5KM) of…
Google Maps Mobile NOW with Street View for the BlackBerry
So I’ve been playing with the new Google Maps Mobile v 2.3.1 for the BlackBerry for a few hours now and although I dreading to see how much data I have consumed, I am very very impressed with the new added feature. The above video explains it very very well, but should you have YouTube…