Tag: Reviews

  • Slow Week!

    Wow, it’s been a pretty slow week literally. Now much happening in the tech news that really stuck for me. However most of the slowness feeling has been from my success rate at troubleshooting tech issues: GMail IMAP Palm Treo: There is still no resolution from either Google or Palm to get IMAP working on…

  • PleaseDoNotReply@bbc.co.uk: Rude & Cold yet Polite & Very British!

    Only the British can so polite as to basically tell you to bugger off politely because you’re email can’t be handled by an automated reply system and get away with it. I sent an email to the Beeb stating that they really need to get started on making online video available to Linux and Apple…

  • Guitar Hero III for the PS2: Awesomely Addictive!

    Simply Said: “I love this game.” I have only had it three days but I’m already up against Tom Morello in my my first guitar battle. OK! So he’s totally kinking my @$$ on easy, throwing whammy and amp overloads at me left right and as I try to keep up with the 3 Chord…

  • Fly Porter to the Island

    I heading into Toronto this morning for a meeting in the City and get to fly Porter again. I always love to fly Porter, they us Bombardier Q400 trubo props with a lush interior. The staff are always very friendly and helpful and when the plane lands at Toronto City airport, which is this tiny…