Tag: Reviews
BlackBerry’s Dark Little GPS Secret
You _don’t_ need TeleNav! What you say? BlackBerry holding out their beloved _crackberry_ loyalists? Well yes, in the case of their GPS services they have completely undersold their own apps in order to sell you something you probably don’t even need. I had never really used BlackBerry Maps on the my previous BB 7250 and…
The 60 Second Keynote!
I love Mahalo for this kind of stuff. This truly is the only way to watch his Steveness with out being affect by the Reality Distortion Field. I must admit that into the 58th second, I could start to feel it. So far my favourite review is from Scott Davis, who was force fed the…
Getting Ready for the Big SteveNote 2008
I will be spending my lunch hour, following this year’s Macworld KeyNote by Steve Jobs (SteveNote) on Engadget, TUAW and possible Cali Lewi’s GeekBreif coverage as well. Hoping for a sub compact notebook, a MacMini/AppleTV Hybrid and an iPod Touch update. Oh and a Beatles Yellow Submarine iPod! UPDATE The GeekBrief Stream is not working…
Guitar Wizard: Learn to Play for Real!
With Guitar Wizard, you plug in your own guitar play real notes. By the time you won the game, your jammin like Carlos Santanna. Thanks to Mahalo’s Veronica Belmont and Engadget for the CES 2008 video
Robots! Veronica Belmont Tours CES
This one is just for the Burg, my buddy Scott Davis who just loves laser. Listen out for Veronica going all Austin Powers on the Meccano Booth Girl. Might have to get me one of those Wifi models. BTW Mahalo Daily’s Veronica Belmont has teamed up with Engadget for this year’s CES and the coverage…
Facebook PWNS U & UR Stuff!
Excellant article on DownloadSquad about how the stuff you post on Facebook and other social networks does not belong to you and how you’ll have a lot of trouble getting any of it back.
BlackBerry 8130 Pearl – Hands On
I have had the Ev-DO version of the Pearl for almost two weeks now and I must admit that this is by far the best phone I have ever used. It makes and receives phone calls so well that you almost forget that it does push email (GMail included), takes pictures, surfs the web, plays…
Twitter Facts: First state of the Twitosphere in Canada
First state of Twitosphere in Canada I found this article on Twitter this morning thanks to @steverubel otherwise known for his great Top 25 Forbes Blog MicroPersuasion. You can follow all of my angry Habs rants and other thoughts on Twitter: @JohnnyCanuck. What is it? [from the FAQ] Twitter is a community of friends and…
The Story Of Stuff
The Story of Stuff is a great video and a fantastically well narrated tale of how our consumer needs are unsustainable and are not only putting our way of life at risk but are also irreversibly damaging our fragile little Blue Planet. Annie Leonard presence through out the whole video, chatting away in the bottom…