BlackBerry Maintains Major Canadian Market Share, iPhone Still No1 Device
Juice mobile claims: >“RIM’s death may be exaggerated and Android is taking a bite out of Apple.” For now. The iPhone is the #1 selling phone, but RIM maintains 50% of Canadian market share. As for the source of the research: Neil Sweeney, President and CEO of Juice, stated their reach covers >“hundreds of applications…
RIM Isn’t Going Anywhere… Literally!
“Our checks indicate that current demand is poor: BlackBerry 7 devices are now close to six months old, and our checks suggest that the initial enthusiasm post launch has tailed off,” the analyst wrote. “We model 11 million unit volumes in FYQ4, at the low end of the guidance range. Management’s aggressive marketing campaign, targeted…
Galaxy Nexus Owner Smokes a Windows Phone Still Gets the Shaft
It’s the sorry and admittedly one-sided tale of Galaxy Nexus-owner Sahas Katta, who claims he beat a “Get Smoked” Windows Phone challenge at a Microsoft store yesterday, but was denied his prize. A Microsoft insider has since tweeted that he’ll “make it right” for Sahas, but will it be the kind of right that includes…
FailBook 2.0: Is This RIM’s Make or Break?
One of the perks of working with Mobile devices is that you can do most of your job from the comfort of your bed before the sun rises, which is exactly how my day started at 5:45 after I had hit the snooze button a few times of course. As most Canadians will know, today…
Nexus Face Unlock FAIL
I recently got my hand on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus for review, it’s the Google Android 4.0 Prime phone. It’s very fast, very big and very Googly. One of the main features being advertised is its facial recognition feature that unlock your phone jut by looking it. I’m sure you seen the ad of the…
Happy Holidays from The Dads
Those in the know understand the draw of the East End of Long Island. The Hamptons, sitting on the South Fork of the island, are a group of hamlets, villages and towns lying along the Atlantic Ocean. The area is a perpetual playground for the rich and famous, and for city dwellers who appreciate a…
Apple Store Opening 3km from RIM Waterloo Headquarters
Seriously, The new store is literally down the street from the RIM Campus where Mike and Jim have been trying to get QNX to fit into a BlackBerry or PlayBook device that actually works. What would be great is if the line-ups from the hopefully soon to be announced iPhone 5 manage to reach all…
PlayBook 10″ On Hold For The BB QNX Superphone
the next BlackBerry PlayBook was on that list but given that development path has finally got them in trouble it’s now being suggested development on the next BlackBerry PlayBook has ceased. Reason for it? To concentrate development efforts on the next set of BlackBerry smartphones powered by QNX. via Via CrackBerry.com. NOTE: This is pure…
On Hackintoshing For Dollars in General
Hackintoshing used to be a complicated process, but since Hackintosh expert tonymacx86 came around it’s gotten a lot easier. [..] While I had Whitson around to help me out, if you have some knowledge of how to build a computer this is likely something you can do. I am still surprised that the process was…
RIM Stock Drops to a Four Year Low
From TechRadar It seems that investors have got the jitters as Apple nabs yet another key BlackBerry USP; iMessage is an instant messaging service for Apple devices on iOS 5, just as BlackBerry Messenger is for BlackBerry users. On Tuesday, RIMs stock fell to below $37 for the first time since 2007, a tumble of…