Category: Editorial

  • Motorola PRO+ the Blackberry Killer! Err, wait a minute?!

    Today Motorola announced the PRO+: a 4G Blackberry look-a-like with a touch screen and keyboard. I thought we had all pretty much agreed that Blackberry was going to languish in a painful death spiral, with BBX being it’s final, Shakespearian monologue. I didn’t think anyone would jump on the hey, if you want a blackberry but don’t…

  • Steve Ballmer, Keeping it Classy

    “You don’t have to be a computer scientist to use a Windows Phone,” said Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer, “but you do to use an Android phone.” How does the Microsoft board let this guy get on the stage.  This is not the quote to make when you have a lower smartphone market share than the company…

  • Paul Thurrot Still Doesn’t Understand Upgrade Cycles

    There’s a long-running joke that Apple’s fans would buy anything the company sold, no matter the quality. But this past weekend, the joke became reality when the Cupertino consumer electronics giant sold 4 million units of a smart phone, the iPhone 4S, which even its most charitable supporters have described as an evolutionary update over…

  • Seth Godin on Atomic Powerpoint Presentations

    The atomic method of creating a Powerpoint presentation   Now go read the post now and never let me sit in on another one of your puked up data on slides meetings.  EM-Kay?   via Seth’s Blog: The atomic method of creating a Powerpoint presentation.

  • Thank You Steve

    From the first time that I touched a computer, I knew that this was going to be a revolutionary technology. The first time I touched a Mac, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it. From the Macintosh sitting on my friends Pat Casey’s desk to the Macintosh LC we had in…

  • Stop, Drop, and Roll — the Kindle is on Fire!

    So the Kindle Fire has been announced, followed by the iPhone 5 – no wait, the 4S, and we’ve got Google, RIM, Nokia and everyone else lining up for their shot at end-of-year/pre-shopping killer announcements. Of course the iPhone 5iPhone 4S killed them all, but that’s not surprising and hardly worth debating. Nothing to talk…

  • My Thoughts on New iPhone Day

    In about 4 hours, Tim Cook will take the stage for his first ever keynote as CEO of  Apple and he will talk about phones. That is all that Apple has said officially so far. However this Apple and the mobility world and the Technorati can’t help themselves from making the wildest and most improbable…

  • RWW on the iPad as a Notebook Alternative

    “I don’t see tablets, including the iPad, as replacements for notebooks,” says Nathan Clevenger, author of the new book iPad in the Enterprise, and chief software architect at management and IT consulting firm ITR Mobility. “Rather, they displace a lot of the things you would do on those devices.” Never underestimate the value of task…

  • Harry McCracken on the iPad Rivals of 2010

    Spoiler: If you like happy endings, you should stop reading now. It really is as sad as it sounds. Read on for the an in depth and  complete run through of the class that never quite made it. via Whatever Happened to the iPad Rivals of 2010? | Technologizer.

  • Silky Privacy Concerns

    What about handling secure (https) connections? We will establish a secure connection from the cloud to the site owner on your behalf for page requests of sites using SSL (e.g. Amazon Silk will facilitate a direct connection between your device and that site.  Any security provided by these particular sites to their users would…