Category: Editorial
‘Bring your own device’ programs opening doors for iOS in the Enterprise
“You shouldn’t reject things that make employees more productive, and if those things happen to be consumer technologies, so be it,” said Ted Schadler, an analyst with Forrester Research. [..] Letting workers bring their iPhones and iPads to work can also save companies money. In some cases, employees pay for equipment themselves and seek tech…
Joy of Tech on Facebook Updates
What is really scary is how true this really is. We are not big fans of the Farcebook on this site, even though most of us seem to be ok with letting Google scan all of our personal bios. However, there has always been something about Facebook and more specifically ZuckerNuts that have always made…
I don’t disobey, I just do what ‘feels’ right.
Op-Ed *Geek Badge* – Alignment: Lawful Neutral. Our esteemed Editor-in-Chief was a little perplexed that I did not respond to his article on disobedience, itself a comment on a piece by Julien Smith. The simple answer is that I don’t believe in disobedience. It is a philosophy, an illusion of unlawfulness created by Man. …
The BlackBerry PlayBook Might Fail, But Don’t Count Out RIM Yet
The outlook continues to be pretty grim for RIM and the PlayBook specifically. Wedge Partners analyst Brian Blair believes that there is no “meaningful evidence” that RIM is poised to turn things around. “Last quarter RIM talked about shipping 500,000 units but did not speak of sell-through for obvious reasons,” the analyst wrote in a…
Kara Swisher on TechCrucnh and Logic!
But — because it is simply flat-out wrong on every possible scale — neither Walt Mossberg or I would ever consider being editors of the site, while also running a venture fund. via Michael Arrington Trying to Buy Back TechCrunch From AOL – Kara Swisher – Media – AllThingsD. I don’t even read TechCrunch anymore…
Woz on Jobs: Apple is Set Up
“You’ve got to remember. He was surrounded by great, great people at Apple … and those people are still there,” [..] “I don’t think the core Apple culture will change because of (Jobs’) leaving, not for a long time. Apple is set up. It just needs to stay financially responsible.” There’s a good reason people…
Michael Geist on RIM’s Woes and The Canadian Telecom Policy
This is an excellent piece from one of Canada’s premier columnist on technology law issues and law professor at the University of Ottawa. this particular article takes up the argument that the Canadian Government should step in to assist RIM in order to avoid another “Nortel” disaster. We have already spoken up about this aid…
Blackberry Market Share Continues to Nose Dive; Android, iOS Keeps Soaring
Research in Motion’s BlackBerry OS, for example, saw it’s market share drop precipitously from 28 percent in the second quarter of 2010 to 11 percent in the second quarter of 2011. The resulting hit on the Blackberry Market share is remarkable but not very surprising considering the year they have had. I curious to see…
iOS Devices May Be Cheaper To Support Than Blackberry and Android
BlackBerry users cost[..] North American carriers in aggregate $46 million more a year to support than iPhone users, and Android users cost[..] $97 million more a year. I would like to see the actual report before making any real conclusions but these number are startling via Another reason to go iPhone: It’s cheaper to support…
Smartphone Messenger Apps Compared
A very interesting comparison on various new messenger apps for smartphone: Facebook Messenger, Google+ Huddle and Apple iOS iMessage. The only other important one missing from the list is BlackBerry’s BBM. GigaOm.