EditorialTECHnically Michael Geist on RIM’s Woes and The Canadian Telecom Policy August 23, 2011 2059 views This is an excellent piece from one of Canada’s premier columnist on technology law issues and law professor at the…
EditorialTech 3G iPod Touch Concept: Cool & Highly Unlikely! July 12, 2011 1614 views via 9to5Mac.com We took this concept to Photoshop, and we came up with the iPod Touch 3G. It looks exactly…
EditorialTECHnically Is RIM Playing the Bully Card in Order to Catch Up? June 20, 2011 993 views RIM has been putting an enormous amount of pressure on carriers to approve the upcoming BlackBerry smartphones like the BlackBerry…
EditorialReviews The REAL Canuck Telco Landscape December 18, 2009 1380 views I did not want to venture in the waters surrounding the launch of the Wind’s network and their new airtime…
ReviewsTech Bell GPS-Gate Update October 6, 2008 1070 views It would appear that Bell has decided to back off it’s initial plan to thwart 3rd party access to the GPS…
ReviewsTech Bell is now crippling GPS on BlackBerry September 26, 2008 1500 views This is a story that is making it way around the tech crowd a lot this but has not gotten…