RIM has been putting an enormous amount of pressure on carriers to approve the upcoming BlackBerry smartphones like the BlackBerry Bold 9900 — phones that have to hold RIM over until its next-generation platform launch in 2012 — and that certain carriers will be approving the devices, “no matter what — with bugs and problems.” Additionally, RIM is putting huge pressure on its internal engineers to deliver Technical Acceptance bundles even when there are serious problems with the OS. In short, RIM is pushing unfinished OS builds from its engineers to the carriers, and demanding that the carriers approve them.
via The Boy Genius Report – RIM is black-burying carriers with half-baked BlackBerrys.
The full article is definitely worth the read, but from what it sounds here and what we have heard ourselves RIM has been scrambling to make sure the next crop of devices make up for the PlayFailBook. To the point that there is more than just the stock price riding on the upcoming 9900 Bold Touch.