Tag: Tech
Bell TV == FAIL!
I missed the Habs game last night, as I was up on the roof for three hours trying to strap down the dish that got blown out of place in the strong winds of Wednesday night. I don’t think I would have been nearly anywhere near as I mad had I not seen this: The…
This All New GREEN iMac is 100% Recyclable
OK so it’s just a prototype… But in all honesty my daughter’s sense of imagination and ability to create some amazing stuff is mind boggling. The remote to Squawkers MacGraw doubles as a multi-button mouse and is apparently Bluetooth as well as solar powered… And all this got me thinking about GREEN computing and the…
Should his Steveness Run the Big 3?
There is growing talk on the interwebs and amongst certain circles that Steve Job, Apple CEO, should be running one of , if not all of, the Big 3 American automobile makers. At first thought, this could make a lot of sense: take the America’s hottest CEO with an impeccable track record would make a…
Pentax K200D Hands-On
If you are a pro photographer, you should probably stop reading now, unless you really need a good laugh. I finally plonked down the required fundage to buy myself some street cred in the camera department. Of course this means that all my photography skills are yet to come. For a bit of back ground,…
CRTC Rules Bell Can Still SUCK!
It’s officially time to say: “The HELL with BELL!” And the CRTC can now become just one more corrupt government agency that is completely out of touch with the industry it is set to oversee and protect. Bell Canada Inc. is not breaking any laws by slowing Internet speeds and will be allowed to continue…
Making the PHP Switch… Hello WordPress!
The 2 Fat Dads sites are going to be down this weekend with the slight exception of this blog which is hosted by Blogger (for the moment). This is because we are making a move over to PHP after a very long relationship with ASP which became ASP 3 and eventually ASP Classic. Yes it…
NASA to Launch SpaceTubes
According to Engagdet : “a team of diligent engineers at the California-based Jet Propulsion Laboratory, standards for space communications could be established in just three short years, meaning that an “interplanetary internet” could be just around the bend.” Great, now we’re paying astronauts and and Mars landing rovers to watch YouTube videos while they galaxy…
OK! NOW you have my attention!
October 14th is the date. http://store.apple.com/ca/
Bell GPS-Gate Update
It would appear that Bell has decided to back off it’s initial plan to thwart 3rd party access to the GPS radio on it’s BlackBerry units. Who knows if this blog, The Boy Genius Reports or the insane amount of negative posts on Howard Forums had anything to do with it. Maybe the Bell legal team finally realised that…