Tag: podcasting

  • 512 Pixels: My Podcasting Rig

    512 Pixels: My Podcasting Rig

    Another excellent piece by Stephen Hack on his podcasting setup, we ran a similar piece on how we set up the DadCast, we recorded a French & an English show on how to put a podcast together as well as a piece on what happens when it goes all wrong. It’s always good to see…

  • DadCast Episode 33 1/3 • Podcasting 101: Shirley, You Can’t be Serious

    I Am Serious and Don’t Call Me Shirley! Nearly Live on Canadian National Day of Podcasting… We wanted to mark this most awesome celebration of Canadiana to not only pay honour to Leslie Nielsen but also to give back to the Podcasting community that have been listening to our shows and supporting the DadCast by…

  • Live DadCasts and Lessons Learnt

    So last Monday night we held our first live DadCast in Montreal’s trendy Mesa 14 restaurant with Montreal systems biologist, photoblogger and awesome Dad André Nantel; let me just say that we had a blast… André is a great guy to talk too with so many awesome stories, and not just geeky ones either although…

  • DadCast Special Edition I • Le Café Balado

    This special French edition of the DadCast was recorded on Tuesday November 9th TWENTY TEN with Alexis Corneiller of Montreal’s Ile Sans Fils project and stems from some discussions we were having on Twitter about the idea of a PodCast Café. Our Regular English language podcast will be back with episode 31 but for now…

  • The Skypeasaurus is still a Gold Standard

    Equipment – The Official TWiT Wiki: “Skypeasaurus: used for Skype calls beginning 3/7/2009. Four Acer V173b monitors attached to four separate Windows PCs running Synergy KM sharing software. The motherboards (Intel BOXD945GCLF2 945GC ATOM330) on these machines have S-video out built into their onboard video adapters; each goes to a separate video input on the…

  • FaceTime on the Desktop? Yes Please!

    FaceTime Set to Come to Mac OS X and Windows?: “To begin, iLife ’11, which we announced this summer (with the disappearance of iDVD) , could finally come out very very soon. In addition, it is rumored that Apple is preparing to leave FaceTime for Mac and PC, the Mac version coming to settle down…