Equipment – The Official TWiT Wiki:
“Skypeasaurus: used for Skype calls beginning 3/7/2009. Four Acer V173b monitors attached to four separate Windows PCs running Synergy KM sharing software. The motherboards (Intel BOXD945GCLF2 945GC ATOM330) on these machines have S-video out built into their onboard video adapters; each goes to a separate video input on the Tricaster. In this way each person’s Skype video is a separate video source to the Tricaster, so everything can be switched in one place; this would not be possible with four Skype instances in one machine, even with virtualization. Video output from the Tricaster is then fed back to the Skype callers via Hauppauge Impact VCB PCI cards in each Skypeasaurus machine. More info from Leo’s blog (Monitor frame grid was made by Colleen Kelly)”
I come back to this page every once in a while when I’m upgrading our own rig or making some changes to improve out workflow. Uncle Leo has always been a source of inspiration and the Skypeasaurus is definitely a gold standard to set our sites on. We still have time on our hands to get this going.
I will be updating our Rig Set-Up soon, but I wanted to bookmark this page again, so I thought I’d share it too.