512 Pixels: My Podcasting Rig

Another excellent piece by Stephen Hack on his podcasting setup, we ran a similar piece on how we set up the DadCast, we recorded a French & an English show on how to put a podcast together as well as a piece on what happens when it goes all wrong. It’s always good to see how others put together their rig and what you can learn from others. Podcasting is definitely not limited to professional in studios and you might have a really crazy idea of what could be  great show. My suggestion is to go with it, look at what issues you encounter and then ask around. Geeky broadcasters are all a generally helpful bunch, you will be delightfully surprised at what they will share with you.

Also make sure you listen in on Ungeniused, it’s a great show that will take you places you never knew you wanted to go on Wikipedia. You might learn something, but mostly it’s just awesome Clavenisms.


via My Podcasting Rig — 512 Pixels.