Tag: Funny
Steve Jobs Keynote in 60 secs
Not quite as exciting as the last one but this version is still better than watching the full length version.
Canadian and International Price of Gas Continues to Rise
Especially the week before and long weekend and a national holiday. Bastards! (if the above image is yours, my apologies stealing it, post in the comments and I will give you full credit.)
Who’s on first!
The Two Act from Merlin Mann on Vimeo. There certain things that make Merlin Mann videos and podcasts just so damn funny! This video is one of them. Just one more Fat Dad embarrassing our kids.
Kopi Luwak Coffee: $h!t , That’s Good Coffee!
This is by far the coolest coffee in the world! In fact, I tell just about everyone I meet about Kopi Luwak coffee and no one ever believes me until I email them the Wiki link. It’s amazing that the Royal Family and Oprah would pay $65 a cup to drink something that came out…
Please be GREEN, For Gallager’s Sake
Or else he will continue to make videos like this one. Thanks to Merlin Mann’s Kung Fu Grippe for unearthing this. (all bad puns are intentional)