EditorialFunny Internet Plumber November 12, 2009 1160 views A friend dropped of his Windows XP laptop with a virus on it. Been trying to get him back up…
BlogFunny Flutter: Even More A.D.D. Than Twitter April 6, 2009 1497 views This is so silly, I just had to post this mockumentary from Slate.
FunnyVideo Star Wars Abridged… Like Whatever! January 16, 2009 1252 views Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo. Got this from Leo Laporte’s RSS…
Video FINALLY! An election I can get behind! November 4, 2008 921 views See more funny videos at Funny or Die [ad]
FunnyScience NASA to Launch SpaceTubes October 17, 2008 1029 views According to Engagdet : “a team of diligent engineers at the California-based Jet Propulsion Laboratory, standards for space communications could…
FunnyTech ChannelFlip’s Wil Harris Probes Leo Laporte September 26, 2008 1104 views The Aristocrats! This by far the funniest Leo Laporte video I have ever seen. Thanks to Wil Harris video. Make…
FunnyTech Ringtones: You know the ones that sound like a phone! September 22, 2008 878 views As usual XKCD web comics ring true. This one a little close to the heart as well, although I have…
FunnyTech Handsfree while at the wheel… literally July 8, 2008 891 views Hands Free Safe Drivers – Watch more free videos Quebec and Nova Scotia have been doing for for a few…
FunnyReviews MS Office 2008 for Mac: Makes You Wanna PUKE! July 7, 2008 891 views I’m very slowly getting used to MS Office 2008 for the Mac and to tell you the truth it’s not…