Tag: Funny
Forget the Wii, I want a Pii for X-Mas!!
From Engadget: Remember that urinal-based racing game that was making the rounds this summer? You know, the one you drive with your pee, and which warns you against drunk driving if you’re not controlling your car too well?… …read on… Well, uh…No I don’t remember that game. But I seriously want it installed in my…
Make My Logo Bigger Cream
This is the kind of stuff that makes our in-house designers cry! Thanks to John Gruber at Daring Fireball for the excellent find.
Lego Star Wars Symphonic Orchestra
I’ve never seen this Lego set at Toy’R’Us
And you thought the Smart car was small
I need one for the drive-thru Tim Horton’s before my Monday morning meetings.
Mahalo Daily….. Coming Soon
I’ve always liked the stuff Veronica Belmont did on TWIT.tv and I was just starting to think she was the best part of Buzz Out Loud when she decided to go to Mahalo. So I’m really glad that the launch of Mahalo Daily it is just around the corner. Nov 5 is supposed to the…
Canuck iPhone Bricks: Still Amazingly Useful
I love the Canadian sense of humour…
2Fat Dads says ThinkGeek
As proud owners of many Geek Tees, we are proud to announce our partnership with ThinkGeek for Tees and all of you USB Nerf Missile Firing needs. So next time your in the market for a red Swingline stapler, my personal favourite: the RTFM t-shirt or even some laser guided missile launchers to protect your…
Can I take a hit on your iPhone?
Some days the people in my office actually sound just like this. I, for one, remember nipping into IT to ooggle and fondle the iPhone when it first came out. I still love my Treo 700P but have started have these feelings for the BlackBerry 8830 World Edition (Panther). It’s getting pretty bad I can’t…
Windows Vista Boxes Suffer Identity Crisis… Hates themselves!!!
What can I say… I don’t think I will be switching back to a PC anytime soon.