You’re kidding, right? Unfortunately, no! The problem is Google’s Australian web site displayed advertisements (paid search results) for a competitor when you searched for Honda. In fact even today when you search for Honda you get paid advertisements for not…
Corporate Greed is the Worst Public Relations at Yellow Pages
You know those thick yellow books we all have at home, that are really useful for boosting up kids at the dining table when you run out of actual booster seats? Well, turns-out there was a time before tablets, smart…
The State Of The BlackBerry
I will make no excuses for our past criticism and scrutiny of the Waterloo based Research In Motion. Over the past year they have seen their share price drop $50, from $75+ to a mere $13 recently (two-thirds of…
Competition best for wireless industry? Maybe not
So apparently the finally tally is we need competition, but not too much. Unfortunately Canada doesn’t have enough, we’re at least one national player too short. Not all our providers are studied in this report, and it pre-dates our new…
Happy 1st Birthday Go!
Google’s revolutionary new programming language Go has just hit a major milestone: version 1.0!!! I know the computer science world doesn’t really need another programming language. We’ve already got so many to choose from it’s hard to find two programmers…
Google’s Dropbox competitor will reportedly launch in April
The famed, mysterious G-Drive is apparently finally coming to the internet! There have long been reports since 2006 that the G-Drive, used internally at Google as Platypus, was coming. It’s hard to imagine that the initial, free, limit is 1…
RIM Isn’t Going Anywhere… Literally!
“Our checks indicate that current demand is poor: BlackBerry 7 devices are now close to six months old, and our checks suggest that the initial enthusiasm post launch has tailed off,” the analyst wrote. “We model 11 million unit volumes…
Angry Birds Space needs a big screen
I succumbed and installed Angry Birds Space. After seeing the promo by NASA it was hard to resist. Angry Birds is great time killer for when the day is done and my brain is on vege-mode. But the latest addition…
Why I Quit Facebook
Twitter is awsome! 140 characters then STFU!!! I only follow people I know so even if I only check it on the train twice a day I’m still not scrolling more than a couple pages to catch-up. And it only…
Galaxy Nexus Owner Smokes a Windows Phone Still Gets the Shaft
It’s the sorry and admittedly one-sided tale of Galaxy Nexus-owner Sahas Katta, who claims he beat a “Get Smoked” Windows Phone challenge at a Microsoft store yesterday, but was denied his prize. A Microsoft insider has since tweeted that he’ll…