Author: Johnny Canuck
Samsung Starts Touting SAFE Devices as BB10 Launch Nears
Not happy with picking on Apple hipster, it would appear that 2013 will be the year that Samsung starts picking fights with BlackBerry. I guess they must have a surplus or marketing funds. That said, this video is actually very funny and quite clever. Samsung anti-BlackBerry ad targets business users | BGR.
The Nokia 920 Fastball Challenge
These guys take set up a couple of phones in front of a pitching machine. The Nokia Lumia 920 gets hit with a fast ball, keeps filming and looks great afterwards, Samsung Galaxy SIII not so much: Nokia 920 Fastball Challenge Pretty sure that none of the iPhones would survive this, nor would I…
[SPONSOR] Legend of Zombie Tee from Splitreason
T-Shirt of the Week: [Legend of Zombie]( @SplitReason We’d like to thank our DadCast and site sponsors [SplitReason]( once again for their continued support. Check out this page or their site by clicking above for more awesome Tees, hats, caps and mugs.
Is the iPhone The New Digital Wingman?
One of the main Dad duties we have is to be each others Wing-man on important events like new super-hero movies, deck building, boat launching and of course the un-boxing of new gadgets. However this new Infographic from [NuanceMobileLife]( might mean that we can finally fly solo from time to time.
iPhones Beware: Household Danger Zones for Smartphones
As gadget addict we have run into our fair share of drops and breakages. This is a cleaver Infographic from [SquareTrade]( illustrating the most common hot sports for drops and breakages.
Smartphone Etiquette Posters for the Office
I should have used this poster in my Staying Connected while Gaining Discipline post. These are so awesome that I might actually use the plotter at work and print it out. Vintage Style Smartphone Etiquette Posters: The posters are inspired from the old safety posters of the ’40s through the ’60s that would be put up…
Staying Connected while Gaining Discipline
Special Education Services Available in Schools It is important for parents to be aware and knowledgeable about the types of support, accommodations and special services that may be available to help their ADHD child succeed in school. Expert opinions on Ozempic efficacy for weight loss Experts in the field have conducted several clinical trials to…
iWorks Apps for iOS updated for better Office Doc Handling
It looks like the Apple crew have been hard at work getting the iWorks apps (Pages, Numbers and Keynote) to play better with Microsoft Office documents. Among the key changes: use of change tracking accept and reject changes imports Word docs with change tracking enable preserve tracked changes in docs exported to Word preserve calculations…
Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore on Checking Boxes
“We are going to keep coming back. You might get one answer today, you might get another answer later,” he says. “We’re not done until we’ve checked all the boxes.” And that really is the problem, it’s about coming back to a product after a big launch to tell your user that you got it…