Author: Johnny Canuck

  • Instagram: Version 2.1

    Instagram: Version 2.1

    Instagram is still one of my favourite apps on the iPhone, over the past year it has made it to my home screen and become my default photo app outside of the lock screen camera access which I have used quite a lot this winter. I’ve use to get a real kick out the X-Pro…

  • Mobility Stuff We Read This Week

    Here are the top mobility articles we found this week. Why the iPhone is worse than a BlackBerry Bell expanding LTE coverage to 7 more locations including Montréal, Vancouver and Ottawa Bell Let’s Talk Day numbers: 78,520,284 calls, texts and retweets raised $3,926,014.20 Telus flipping switch on LTE, network goes live February 10th RIM’s recent…

  • SlapShot Ready iPhone Case

    I might have to pick one of these up for the rest of the coaching season. Pretty impressive demo, 132 km/h slapshot @ 30,000 PSi and not a bad shot either. Preorder here: G-Form via G-Form LLC

  • Robelus Wireless Comes to Canada I will be the first to admit that we Canucks get the Great White Shaft when it comes to Superbowl commercials but this one ad from Public Mobile for Roam Raging on Robelus Wireless is simply awesome.

  • Mobility Stuff We Read This Week

    Here are the top mobility articles we found this week. Jerry Seinfeld Bribing His Way Into a 2012 Acura NSX in Super Bowl Ad Verizon Wireless wins top spot in J.D. Power customer care study [updated] BlackBerry 7 devices get American, Canadian Government approval IDC: Nokia, Samsung, Apple are the new top 3 handset makers…

  • Mobility Stuff We Read This Week

    Here are the top mobility articles we found this week. Forrester: Apple successfully infiltrating the office, executive washroom Forrester surveyed 9,912 workers in 17 countries to discover that 21 percent of "information workers" use one or more Apple products as part of their job (one percent reported using three Apple devices for work). The most…

  • Nexus Face Unlock FAIL

    Nexus Face Unlock FAIL

    I recently got my hand on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus for review, it’s the Google Android 4.0 Prime phone. It’s very fast, very big and very Googly. One of the main features being advertised is its facial recognition feature that unlock your phone jut by looking it. I’m sure you seen the ad of the…

  • 512 Pixels: My Podcasting Rig

    512 Pixels: My Podcasting Rig

    Another excellent piece by Stephen Hack on his podcasting setup, we ran a similar piece on how we set up the DadCast, we recorded a French & an English show on how to put a podcast together as well as a piece on what happens when it goes all wrong. It’s always good to see…

  • Reboot in Motion: Licensing BB 10 vs BB Messenger

    There is a lot of chatter in the Technospere about Jim and Mike stepping down from their co-CEO roles  at RIM and making way for the COO Thorsten Heins (the first?) to helm the good ship BlackBerry out of troubled waters and back into clear seas. It’s interesting that one of small pieces from this…

  • Mobility Stuff We Read This Week

    Here are the top mobility articles we found this week. Dev-Team Blog – Corona A5 jailbreak nearly ready to pop! iOS catches up to Android in December sales, thanks to iPhone 4S Why Apple, Why Does it Have to Be Like This? The Cold Cynicism of the iBook EULA Experts say Apple’s textbook foray will…