The DadCast Episode 7 – The Search for Schultzter

Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay…

Season 2 is in full swing and we’re still looking for The Schultzter. This week the Dads explore HDTV, PVRs, Blue Ray and up scaling DVDs. We run down some of the current TV shows we’ve been watching, and superficially review some of the summer flicks now available on DVD/Blue Ray and then in ture Fat Dad form we attack some really awful movies.

[Easter Egg] We recall some of our favourite DOH! moments.

Our apologies for the some the sound quality issues during the show, we’re still fine tuning our Skype recording process. Once we sort it out we’ll post a detailed how-to on the Blog. Or we’ll call Leo Laporte. Live shows are so much easier to record… Give me a Big Ole Mackie desk any day.

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Another Proud 2FatDads Production