Tag: movies

  • Booting up Reboots – Men’s Style Is Trending Back From The Classics

    Remember the old days when the clothes men wore all looked the same as the clothes other guys were wearing? Some men though, broke those rules. They were actors, musicians or some other celebrities that got away with it. In today’s society men have such a wide variety of choice, that everyone has their own…

  • How Scarcity and Urgency Influence Buying Behavior

    How Scarcity and Urgency Influence Buying Behavior

    In today’s fast-paced, competitive market, brands are constantly looking for ways to stand out and motivate consumers to make purchases with services from themarketingheaven.com. Two of the most powerful psychological drivers that marketers use are scarcity and urgency. These principles tap into fundamental human behaviors and biases, influencing consumers to act quickly and avoid missing…

  • Last flight to the Stars.

    Two noteworthy contributors to Science Fiction Films have passed away during the weekend. Do you know who Irvin Kershner is?  No, then you are one of the following:  you populate the age range between 0-18, have lived as a hermit since 1980 or consider yourself so counter-cultured that force is nothing more than a physics…

  • DadCast Episode 28 • The Green Lantern of Valois Bay

    Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… In part two of this week’s show with Pier-Luc Petitclerc we continue our left turn from the show notes and revisit our childhood superheroes on the silver screen, take a closer look at the Montreal Tech Scene and the growing popularity of co-working locations like Station-C,…

  • Lazy Beats Free: Ease Over Piracy

    Over The Hedge: My good buddy Eric AKA @Schultzter sent me this comic as an @reply on Twitter this morning probably as some sort of jibe over the fact that Steve McGoo (@mtl_steve) and I have gone a little gaga over the new AppleTV and the recent introduction of Netflix.ca with its too good to…

  • YouTube Launches Movies, But For Who?

    When I look at the selection made on the home page for the new movie service, I ask myself who the exactly is this intended for? Jackie Chan imports, T&A B-movies, Bollywood stuff and Teen Slashers. Really? Who picked these? A bunch of Google Engineers high on Mountain Dew and Twinkies or creepy Eric Schmidt.…

  • Avatar Review, on this episode of Flacking the Flicks.

    I ‘ve just saw Avatar and as you’ve read in my previous entry, I made a couple of WAGs (wild-assed guesses) and must now adress these issues. **No Spoilers – not for this one.** It’s simple really, go see it. I said James Cameron would deliver the Visual Candy…and man! does he ever.  The Oomph…

  • My take on Avatar, on this episode of Flacking the Flicks.

    Around me, many folks are gung-ho to see Avatar, James Cameron’s newest film.  They say it will be nothing short of a Cinematic Revelation.  Some are adamant that this will be The-biggest-movie-of-the-Summah (for those who remember Arnold Schwarzenegger’s boast of his 1993 flop, The Last Action Hero).  Although I find the term revelation a tad…

  • Today on Flacking the Flicks: Terminator Salvation DVD review.

    **Attention – Spoilers ahead** The Terminator films have become classics within the Sci-Fi/Action realm, 25 years after the initial release. Most of you know the the story; one man, John Connor, is the leader of the human Resistance against Skynet and his mechanical minions. The humans band together under his leadership and eventually destroy the…

  • The DadCast Episode 7 – The Search for Schultzter

    Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… Season 2 is in full swing and we’re still looking for The Schultzter. This week the Dads explore HDTV, PVRs, Blue Ray and up scaling DVDs. We run down some of the current TV shows we’ve been watching, and superficially review some of the summer flicks…