Tag: Dadcasts
512 Pixels: My Podcasting Rig
Another excellent piece by Stephen Hack on his podcasting setup, we ran a similar piece on how we set up the DadCast, we recorded a French & an English show on how to put a podcast together as well as a piece on what happens when it goes all wrong. It’s always good to see…
DadCast Episode 14 – The Big Ranting Canuck
The Big Ranting Canuck, Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we announce our new sponsors: Audible and we talk about some great customer service from Pentax, some pretty appalling follow tactics by Tweetphoto, the eminent I5 chipped MacBooks Pros and the Steve Jobs recent flurry of emails. Hopefully we’ll see…
DadCast Episode 10 – Maybe You Left It On Foursquare
Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… The Dads have now completely abandonned their search for Schultzter after losing The Burg down a well in Chambly and are now simply looking to find the rest of the show. Along the way they ramble along about Foursquare, Google Buzz, Epic CEO resignations and how…
Rolling Your Own ShortURL Service
Today we are announcing the 2FatDads.com ShortURL service, this is the first product or service that 2FatDads has ever launched. And it is very much in pre-beta form right now. In fact this post should be the first link to actually use the service itself, and the only people who will have access to it…
DadCast Episode 8 – Is That A Pierogi In Your Parliament
Nearly Live from the Wendhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week the Dads take their search for their fellow lost Dad: Schultzter all the way to Parliament Hill and bash out a few more phone issues all the while right all the wrongs of Canuck Politics. [podcast]http://www.2fatdads.com/dadcasts/DadCast-8_PierogiInTheParliament.mp3[/podcast]
Bleeding Edge is Sometimes a Bloody Fail
HOW TO START EATING HEALTHY Have you ever tried a trendy diet, only to find you’re not seeing results? Or you lose some weight at the beginning of your diet, but then gain it all back shortly after? Almost half of all Americans have attempted to lose weight in the past year – but many gain it…
The DadCast Episode 7 – The Search for Schultzter
Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… Season 2 is in full swing and we’re still looking for The Schultzter. This week the Dads explore HDTV, PVRs, Blue Ray and up scaling DVDs. We run down some of the current TV shows we’ve been watching, and superficially review some of the summer flicks…
The DadCast Episode 6 – Tsunami Mon Ami!
Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studio of Valois Bay… The Dads are all back from a summer of parenting, projects and travel. Join us in this episode 7 for the start of our second season as we try to figure out if Google’s Wave is nothing more than a ripple in the pond, one of…
Snow Leopard: Hands On
Before I even get started with this, let me just that this hands on review will not rival John Siracusa’s in depth analysis of the latest flavour of Mac OS X. If you need that much detail, please go ahead and read his article here. It’s no secret that most of the Fat Dads…