- @nantel I’m just getting over a week of trying to finish Kingdom Hearts just so the girls can finally see the princesses. The end was MEH! in reply to nantel #
- @schultzter Thank god they block YouTube at work or else I’d be singing _every sperm is sacred_ all day much to the annoyance of the BotD 😉 in reply to schultzter #
- Just loaded TweetDeck 0.20 as promised! Very awesome as usual. gonna have to set it to check on 30 minutes or more. Best Twitter client yet #
- Optimism: installing WP-Cache (site caching plugin for Word Press) on a blog that get 15 visits a day. #
- @WilHarris Have you been to Bovington Camp in Dorset yet? I was lucky enough to ride around in some truly awesome tanks leading a charge. in reply to WilHarris #
- I’m sorry but 1959 or 2008. a smoking 2yr old is just bad parenting. I don’t think it was ever acceptable behaviour. http://tinyurl.com/5a #
- All that said the smoking cherub on the cover of \\ Van Halen // 1984 was really cool, because we all knew that was _bad_. #
- @ginatrapani I love the fact that mine’s wearing a Montreal Canadiens Hockey sweater and that he waves his stick when things happen! in reply to ginatrapani #
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