Tag: JohnnyCanuck
On Moving From Tumblr to WordPress
From Tumblr to WordPress: The Missing Guide — Ian P. Hines: “This isn’t a process for everyone—I know that. But if you’re like me, and are willing to add a bit of friction to your work-flow in exchange for reliability and control, then I strongly suggest you spend the time to move to WordPress. “…
DadCast 1.1 Special Edition: Riding The Google Wave
All the Fat Dads really love Google products, so we’re kind of biased and even a little when it comes to reviews on their new products. So when we heard about Google Wave, we couldn’t help ourselves but get a little carried away in the middle or DadCast One: Follow the Mononque. We had decided…
What JohnnyCanuck said on Twitter Today…
Sorry World! My last tweet was for a blog post of a year ago. Twitter Tools is having issues. Alex King has a fix:http://tinyurl.com/6p4xsc # @leolaporte enjoyed this weeks TWiT, but could you please get back to This Week in _TECH_. Still love the show, keep up the LOL’s in reply to leolaporte # You…
What JohnnyCanuck said on Twitter Today
@nantel I’m just getting over a week of trying to finish Kingdom Hearts just so the girls can finally see the princesses. The end was MEH! in reply to nantel # @schultzter Thank god they block YouTube at work or else I’d be singing _every sperm is sacred_ all day much to the annoyance of…