Category: Dadcast
DadCast Episode 8 – Is That A Pierogi In Your Parliament
Nearly Live from the Wendhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week the Dads take their search for their fellow lost Dad: Schultzter all the way to Parliament Hill and bash out a few more phone issues all the while right all the wrongs of Canuck Politics. [podcast][/podcast]
The DadCast Episode 7 – The Search for Schultzter
Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… Season 2 is in full swing and we’re still looking for The Schultzter. This week the Dads explore HDTV, PVRs, Blue Ray and up scaling DVDs. We run down some of the current TV shows we’ve been watching, and superficially review some of the summer flicks…
The DadCast Episode 6 – Tsunami Mon Ami!
Nearly Live from the Wendyhouse Studio of Valois Bay… The Dads are all back from a summer of parenting, projects and travel. Join us in this episode 7 for the start of our second season as we try to figure out if Google’s Wave is nothing more than a ripple in the pond, one of…
Coming Soon: The DadCast Entourage
I’m still editing up the latest DaDcast… I love it when the other Dads forget we’re still rolling tape… For now I hope you enjoy this little teaser! Johnny Canuck [ad name=”2fatdads_post”] [podcast][/podcast]
DadCast 4: Let’s Get Googly
Episode 4 Let’s Get Googly Nearly Live form the Wendyhouse Studios… François Fortier is joined by Eric Schultz, Steven McGurn, Ben NotKenobi This week we look into the Google Chrome OS announcement and it’s impact on the everyday user. What will the Google Chrome OS be? Review of the Lifehackers wish list. 6:00 Quick…
DadCast 3: Bing Bung, Bang Bong
We go Bing Bung Bang Bong for the latest Microsoft search engine, Eric’s dishwasher is declared a death trap on fire and Bell’s throttling ruins my movie night with the kids. [podcast][/podcast]
DadCast 2: McGoo’s Jesus Phone
Our very own Steven McGurn finally gets his Apple iPhone 3GS on the Rogers networks and gives us his brief review as the rest us, once again lament our BlackBerries. In This Episode: The Jesus Phone The Accelerometer Show Down AZERTY/QWERTY revisted The Fate of the Palm PRE is in Bell’s hands Don’t forget to…
DadCast 1.1 Special Edition: Riding The Google Wave
All the Fat Dads really love Google products, so we’re kind of biased and even a little when it comes to reviews on their new products. So when we heard about Google Wave, we couldn’t help ourselves but get a little carried away in the middle or DadCast One: Follow the Mononque. We had decided…
DadCast One : Follow The Mononque
Our inaugural 2FatDads podcast is now available for download. This week Francois Fortier, Eric Schultz, Steven McGurn and Stephane Denault welcome you to the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay where they discuss the Apple iPhone 3GS, the TomTom 720, McAuslan beers and some chatter about twitter. We should note that all of the beers consumed…
[PREVIEW] DadCast ONE: Follow The Mononque
Here is a preview of our first Full Length DadCast: Follow The Mononque! We hope you enjoy it. [podcast format=”video”][/podcast] Follow The Mononque Comments are always welcome.