Tag: Web
John Gruber and The Verge on Native Apps
The intersection of exquisitely-crafted native apps with ubiquitous networking and cloud-backed storage. [..] Used to be that native apps felt best but anchored your data to the device, and web apps running in a browser offered you ubiquitous access to your data but had a crummy front-end experience. We’re getting to a point now where…
The Evolution of the Web
This is simply beautiful. Just make sure you view it in a real browser, i.e. not IE. And yes this is the wrong use of i.e. (as per The Oatmeal, but dammit, the joke works.)
You Had Me At Coda Notes
Panic Blog » Coda Notes for Safari: Now Available!: “At long last! Coda Notes, a fun Safari Extension we introduced at this year’s WWDC, is now officially available for download! To recap, the idea is this: Coda is a great tool for web developers. But how can we make life easier for the web client,…
Apple vs Adobe: When Your Favourite Aunt & Uncle Get Divorced
So this morning Adobe has launched a campaign to try to and reach out to the pro Apple crowd and the web community in general. They even tried to play the open market versus open standard card by making a plea to our creative sides. We believe that consumers should be able to freely access…
Google Launches Chrome Browser
Google has just launched their Chrome browser into BETA. I’ve downloaded it and will be throwing some of my own site against it as well as some of my favourite bookmarks. More to come on this… So I have been using Chrome for about an hour now, as expected all of the Google apps run…
Google Reader Shared Notes: For Only The Laziest of Bloggers
Anyone know how to get my Google Reader Shared Notes to feed directly into my blog as new posts? Yes I am that lazy! Seriously, I used to keep 27 tabs open in my browser sporadically checking various blogs throughout the day but this became insane and FireFox v2 would often just give and die…
Bell throttling P2P and Bit Torrent Protocols: Everyone Loses!
Bell Sympatico, The Great White North’s largest internet service provider for consumers and reseller has officially and openly started packet shaping it’s network traffic to curb the effect of peer to peer file sharing and Bit Torrent protocols. Which is just ridiculous and down right wrong. ISP’s have to stop acting like Cyber police officers…