Tag: Safari
The Evolution of the Web
This is simply beautiful. Just make sure you view it in a real browser, i.e. not IE. And yes this is the wrong use of i.e. (as per The Oatmeal, but dammit, the joke works.)
You Had Me At Coda Notes
Panic Blog » Coda Notes for Safari: Now Available!: “At long last! Coda Notes, a fun Safari Extension we introduced at this year’s WWDC, is now officially available for download! To recap, the idea is this: Coda is a great tool for web developers. But how can we make life easier for the web client,…
Firefox Renders Like Crap
The proof is in the pudding… The middle image was rendered by Firefox 3 on Windows XP and it looks all washed out. To the left is the original RAW processed to JPG in CS3 Bridge and the right most picture is in Safari for Windows. Which actually looks the most like the original… The…
Google Launches Chrome Browser
Google has just launched their Chrome browser into BETA. I’ve downloaded it and will be throwing some of my own site against it as well as some of my favourite bookmarks. More to come on this… So I have been using Chrome for about an hour now, as expected all of the Google apps run…
Apple releases Safari 3.1 for Mac and Windows
And there was much rejoicing. Apple has released an updated version of the Safari web browser with a slew of performance, compatibility, and reliability tweaks. Safari 3.1 also adds support for CSS 3 web fonts, HTML 5 audio and video elements, and other web standards. Safari was the first browser to pass the Acid2 standards…