Tag: cloud
The cultural divide on data protection – USA vs EU
“The cloud” is in these days, everything has to be “in the cloud” or “come from the cloud.” Apple even has an iCloud so you know that cloud is uber-cool when that happens. But somewhere along the way there’s a few physical servers storing all that data. And they’re physically in a country, maintained and…
Awesome Note vs Notability & DropBox
If there is one thing we Dads tend to take pretty seriously is our productivity, face it when you have as many kids as us, you really need to be able to get your act together to get things done. We all find little GTD hooks and life hacks to make our tools work for…
New Dads and Priceless Photos
Whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android, it doesn’t really matter anymore, between iCloud and Google+ features, all those thousands of family photos you took are actually pretty safe these days. Apple and Google have actually done all a great favour by storing our priceless memories online and made them retrievable from a trusted…
DadCast Episode 29 • The Clean Show
Nearly Live From The Wendy House Studios of Valois Bay… This week the Dads return with a Clean tag, but that doesn’t mean they are not pissed about something. Francois finally kicks Bell to the curb, Ben hits out at big Box stores while Steve and Eric get their Geek ON about on-site/off-site back-ups and…