Tag: Professional
512 Pixels: My Podcasting Rig
Another excellent piece by Stephen Hack on his podcasting setup, we ran a similar piece on how we set up the DadCast, we recorded a French & an English show on how to put a podcast together as well as a piece on what happens when it goes all wrong. It’s always good to see…
The Dadcast Goes into Pre Beta
We recently started toying with the idea of putting together a DadCast, a 2FatDads podcast, so I dusted off the old mic stand and put away my reels of spliced tape and decided to put WireTap Pro to the test of recording a Skype conference call between three or more of the Fat Dads. Unfortunately…
Bell Canada Sells Video Online As ISP Throttling Continues
Ars Technica has a brilliant article about how absurd the Net Neutrality issue has become in Canada. I am now officially ashamed to be a content producing Web Professional in a country where official government regulators take it up the backside for big companies and make sure the consumer gets the shaft. Launching a video…