Month: March 2009

  • NOT The Bell Way!

    OK I’ll admit to being more than a little angry with the way that Bell through up our ExpressVu (now it’s simply Bell TV ) Dish on the chimney. But comments left both on this blog and in the Flickr feed have been rather supportive and tend to agree with me on the fact they…

  • The cost of hiring the wrong person, a cautionary tale

    I’ve been interviewing candidates for some job openings both for one of my teams and for a colleague’s over the last few months. Now when I interview, I tend to want to see many candidates. I want to be sure that the person I am hiring is not only a good match on paper, but…

  • NOT Getting Things Done

    As many of you surely know, I’m a big fan of David Allen’s time/task management principles known as Getting Things Done. Well, I’ve fallen of the wagon somewhat a while back and, being a geek, I’ve been looking for something new and shiny to motivate me to get back on the horse. Well, a post…

  • Blogging for blog’s sake



    So here I am. All pumped and ready to write my very first blog to this site. Time to get the creative juices flowing… Nope, nothing to say. Nothing at all. What a boring first blog. Maybe I should talk about the troubles I’ve had with clients this week but that would be breach of…

  • First Post/Last lolcat reference, ever.

    Iz in yur WordPress now, editing posts. Kthxbye!

  • Bell TV == FAIL!

    I missed the Habs game last night, as I was up on the roof for three hours trying to strap down the dish that got blown out of place in the strong winds of Wednesday night. I don’t think I would have been nearly anywhere near as I mad had I not seen this: The…

  • This All New GREEN iMac is 100% Recyclable

    OK so it’s just a prototype… But in all honesty my daughter’s sense of imagination and ability to create some amazing stuff is mind boggling. The remote to Squawkers MacGraw doubles as a multi-button mouse and is apparently Bluetooth as well as solar powered… And all this got me thinking about GREEN computing and the…

  • My GaryFong Puffer is BrokeH!

    My Gary Fong Puffer is BrokeH! (All puns intended)I bought this flash Puffer last week after receiving many recommendations from friends on Flickr and as well as help from the Staff of my local photo store. However as I removed the puffer from the hot shoe of my K200d after taking some nice pictures of…