Category: The Economy
RIM Stock Drops to a Four Year Low
From TechRadar It seems that investors have got the jitters as Apple nabs yet another key BlackBerry USP; iMessage is an instant messaging service for Apple devices on iOS 5, just as BlackBerry Messenger is for BlackBerry users. On Tuesday, RIMs stock fell to below $37 for the first time since 2007, a tumble of…
Some Great Deals and Stuff
A couple of weeks ago I thanked you all for subscribing to our Dadcast in iTunes, becoming a fan of our Facebook page and, of course, reading and commenting on our posts. We really do appreciate the support you give. It’s one thing to review our stats of iTunes downloads and web site pageviews, but…
Taking the Wind Out of Their Sales
So we’ve got telecoms suing each other over their ad claims and trying to block new entrants with lobbying. We’ve got a new entrant that has finally made it to market. And we’ve plenty of new phones and changes to plans happening here in Canada. What does it all mean? Sadly, not much!
Federal Liberals still begging for hand-outs without doing anything to deserve them
I got another letter from the Federal Liberal Party of Canada today, extolling the virtues for their glorious leader and how much better they would be at running the country than the current crop of scoundrels (my words). The bottom of the letter includes a little form where you can contribute to their Victory fund.…
The Reality of Cloth Diapers
I know this is a little off track for the Technical angle we usually take on this blog but it follows suit on my own post on the Inconvenience of Saving our Planet that I wrote about last week. A inside joke here at 2 Fat is we’re doing it for the diapers, any…
No income, no trust
Like most Canadians my wife and I have RRSP’s and an RESP for the kids. And like most Canadians I’m not a guru, wiz-kid, or a day-trader. I make my contributions every pay cheque and put the money in some boring fund or blue-chip company and wait for retirement to come along (the sooner the…
- Feedback Forum – ask Stephen Harper a question
The Liberal party of Canada recently (today?) opened a new web site, where they are discussing their ideas and have a Feedback Forum called Ask the PM. So I added a question regarding the taxation of income trusts, which is currently ranked number six and rising steadily.
Bonuses for AIG
Rex Murphy did a bit on AIG last night after the news. I can’t find it online though – I guess the internet is slacking off.