Tag: YouTube

  • On Hackintoshing For Dollars in General

    Hackintoshing used to be a complicated process, but since Hackintosh expert tonymacx86 came around it’s gotten a lot easier. [..] While I had Whitson around to help me out, if you have some knowledge of how to build a computer this is likely something you can do. I am still surprised that the process was…

  • Lazy Beats Free: Ease Over Piracy

    Over The Hedge: My good buddy Eric AKA @Schultzter sent me this comic as an @reply on Twitter this morning probably as some sort of jibe over the fact that Steve McGoo (@mtl_steve) and I have gone a little gaga over the new AppleTV and the recent introduction of Netflix.ca with its too good to…

  • YouTube Launches Movies, But For Who?

    When I look at the selection made on the home page for the new movie service, I ask myself who the exactly is this intended for? Jackie Chan imports, T&A B-movies, Bollywood stuff and Teen Slashers. Really? Who picked these? A bunch of Google Engineers high on Mountain Dew and Twinkies or creepy Eric Schmidt.…

  • Three Weeks With an Android: Part ONE

    Just before Christmas, I was given the chance to test out the brand new Samsung Galaxy on Bell’s brand spanking new HSPA+ network. This was a really cool demo opportunity too.  Basically it went like this:  No Strings Attached, I get a Galaxy for my personal use, unlimited local minutes, unlimited SMS and most important…

  • Google Announces Chromium OS as OpenSource

    This latest announcement from Google must have old Schultzter so excited right now. You see his two biggest Geek passions are coming together: OpenSourse OSes and Google is what can only be described as the biggest Nerd Marriage Geeky Offspring ever. I’m sure he would have posted the video himself if he wasn’t chiseling away…

  • RIM & Bell Update the BlackBerry Storm to v4.7.0.148 (Rel. 203)

    I cleared my inbox and tasks this morning to download the much touted update for the BlackBerry Storm and try to rekindle my love affair with the BlackBerry again. Lately, I’ve been getting that 7 year itch feeling whenever I use the Storm. The younger smartphones like the iPhone are suddenly looking really sexy…

  • Happy Canada Day!

    A big thanks to @julien for finding this awesome video. Those Mountie suits suit sure do bring back some memories of driving around the English countryside doing my part for international relations. We’re all taking the day off tomorrow to celebrate being Canucks. We’ll be back on Thursday to record our second DadCast. In the…

  • Quite Possibly The Best Road Test Ever

    Thanks to John Gruber at Daring Fireball for this find. If there is one show I really truly miss from the Beeb it’s Top Gear. Jeremy’s Clarkson is such a well spoken and intelligent presenter and writer that you completely overlook the fact that he’s a cowboy boot wearing petrol headed hooligan. Watch it all…

  • We’re 2 Fat Dads and We’re Geeks TOO!

    Local Montreal Techie Hottie Shira Lazar is behind this awesome “I am Canadian” spoof about being a geek. And YUP! we here at 2 Fat Dads qualify as 100% Prime Geek! Great Video Shira! [ad name=”2fatdads_post”]

  • Birdhouse for your Soul Twitter

    Birdhouse – a notepad for Twitter Apart from the obvious “They Might Be Giants” reference in the name, this is actually a very awesome Twitter tools. I can see it being big with iPod Touch users as well as anyone who has ever had to put up with crappy EDGE service in the states and…