Tag: WoW
DadCast Episode 47 • OMG LOL BFF IRL
###Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… All of the Dads are back in the studio this week to talk about their recent movie night outing to see Wrath of the Titans. They also dive into the state of the student protests in Montreal over the proposed tuition fee increases. During the discussion,…
Building a semi-powerhouse gaming PC station
The conundrum was in how to sell this idea to the better half.
DadCast Episode 41• The Dads Go Fourth
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… It’s the Fourth Series of the DadCast. In this season’s opener, the Dads talk about their summer projects, including new PC’s, tablets, TV, and how to cope when the Analogue Signal dies out forever. We’d like to thank our new sponsors this year, two awesome Canadian…
DadCast Episode 37 • Applecentric ForkBombr
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we had to sequester all of the Dads into their own man caves and home studios to avoid any risk of catching a Meat Space virus or bug. So we all jumped onto Skype where we were joined by a slightly chilled but otherwise…
DadCast Episode 34 • Like, Cataclysmic WoW
Nearly Live From the Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… In this first of a two part mini-series: Mononque is Tweeting and up for the cataclysm. Google needs more presence on the web and the TSA fails the American Thanksgiving screening. Maybe their plan of action was put on the web by Wikileaks, the ultimate representation…
DadCast Episode 30 • Now With More Rawness
The global еlесtrісаl еnеrgу соnѕumрtіоn is ѕtіll rіѕіng аnd there is a ѕtеаdу dеmаnd tо increase thе роwеr сарасіtу. It is еxресtеd thаt it has tо bе doubled within 20 уеаrѕ. The рrоduсtіоn, dіѕtrіbutіоn аnd uѕе of thе еnеrgу should be аѕ tесhnоlоgісаl еffісіеnt аѕ possible аnd іnсеntіvеѕ tо save еnеrgу аt the еnd-uѕеr should…
DadCast Episode 27 • WoW The DadCast
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we’re joined by Montreal Habs Fan, WordPress and PHP Guru, Android and Linux enthusiast and all around Great Geek to know Pier-Luc Petitclerc (@PLuc). In this two part special DadCast, which incidentally loses the [clean] tag for the fist time, we discuss the upcoming…
DadCast 18 – Season 3 The PodCamp Montreal PreShow
Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… As we start packing our laptop bags for this weekends’ PodCamp Montreal, we thought we’d put together a special 2FatDads introspective / retrospective from all of the chaos that happens before we start the show. This is most definitely not a how-to white paper on podcasting…