Tag: Montreal

  • DadCast Episode 33 1/3 • Podcasting 101: Shirley, You Can’t be Serious

    I Am Serious and Don’t Call Me Shirley! Nearly Live on Canadian National Day of Podcasting… We wanted to mark this most awesome celebration of Canadiana to not only pay honour to Leslie Nielsen but also to give back to the Podcasting community that have been listening to our shows and supporting the DadCast by…

  • DadCast Episode 33 • The Zombie Show: It’s The Yeast We Can Do

    Quite possiby the Livest we’ve ever been… This week we welcome André Nantel, renowned FiB Montreal Systems Biologist, Photographer, Traveller, Gamer, and experienced Dad of two to the Mesa 14 Restaurant on Bishop for a very special live edition of the show. Among the many topics of the night, we finally find out what biologist…

  • DadCast Episode 32 • In Loudest Din or Hush Profound

    Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studio of Valois Bay… In part two of the last week’s show the remaining Dads continue to struggle with Ben’s Skype issue while dissecting the Green Lantern trailer and giving Francois a crash course in The Green Lantern Corp lore. We also look at the the Cars 2 trailer, Mater’s…

  • Cup Cake Camp Montreal, a.k.a. Sugar Rush Sunday

    It shouldn’t be Cup Cake Camp, they should call it Sugar Rush Sunday! We decided to make an event of it, we took the train and walked up to the Queen Elizabeth hotel for around 12:45pm.  Plenty of time I figured since the doors opened at 1pm.

  • DadCast Episode 31 • Old Detroit Needs a New Lawyer

    Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studio of Valois Bay… On this weeks show we shout out to the Cupcake Camp Montreal crew before touching back on the RoboCop kid picture and the recent take down notice. Also we review the new Google apps, HotPot, Baraza, and Boutique.com. Somehow and at some point in the show…

  • DadCast Special Edition I • Le Café Balado

    This special French edition of the DadCast was recorded on Tuesday November 9th TWENTY TEN with Alexis Corneiller of Montreal’s Ile Sans Fils project and stems from some discussions we were having on Twitter about the idea of a PodCast Café. Our Regular English language podcast will be back with episode 31 but for now…

  • DadCast Episode 30 • Now With More Rawness

    The global еlесtrісаl еnеrgу соnѕumрtіоn is ѕtіll rіѕіng аnd there is a ѕtеаdу dеmаnd tо increase thе роwеr сарасіtу. It is еxресtеd thаt it has tо bе doubled within 20 уеаrѕ. The рrоduсtіоn, dіѕtrіbutіоn аnd uѕе of thе еnеrgу should be аѕ tесhnоlоgісаl еffісіеnt аѕ possible аnd іnсеntіvеѕ tо save еnеrgу аt the еnd-uѕеr should…

  • DadCast Episode 29 • The Clean Show

    Nearly Live From The Wendy House Studios of Valois Bay… This week the Dads return with a Clean tag, but that doesn’t mean they are not pissed about something. Francois finally kicks Bell to the curb, Ben hits out at big Box stores while Steve and Eric get their Geek ON about on-site/off-site back-ups and…

  • DadCast Episode 28 • The Green Lantern of Valois Bay

    Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… In part two of this week’s show with Pier-Luc Petitclerc we continue our left turn from the show notes and revisit our childhood superheroes on the silver screen, take a closer look at the Montreal Tech Scene and the growing popularity of co-working locations like Station-C,…

  • DadCast Episode 27 • WoW The DadCast

    Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Valois Bay… This week we’re joined by Montreal Habs Fan, WordPress and PHP Guru, Android and Linux enthusiast and all around Great Geek to know Pier-Luc Petitclerc (@PLuc). In this two part special DadCast, which incidentally loses the [clean] tag for the fist time, we discuss the upcoming…