Tag: DIY
How to Install a Central Vacuum System and vacuum your furniture the right way
Lately I’ve been trying to finish all the little projects I’ve started around the house. Recently, I finished the central vacuum project. We’ve been using it for a couple years now, and a central vacuum is great! Learning how to vacuum your furniture is important because you can do a good job and not be…
DIY USB cable repair ; challenge accepted.
I will follow up to edno’s hardware laden post (nice one, BTW) with my own brand of DIY tutorial happiness. NOTA : This is a simple tutorial and by no means THE definitive soldering How-To. I’m not an expert but the job I did with the oscillating tool, as related here, worked as it was…
DadCast Episode 30 • Now With More Rawness
The global еlесtrісаl еnеrgу соnѕumрtіоn is ѕtіll rіѕіng аnd there is a ѕtеаdу dеmаnd tо increase thе роwеr сарасіtу. It is еxресtеd thаt it has tо bе doubled within 20 уеаrѕ. The рrоduсtіоn, dіѕtrіbutіоn аnd uѕе of thе еnеrgу should be аѕ tесhnоlоgісаl еffісіеnt аѕ possible аnd іnсеntіvеѕ tо save еnеrgу аt the еnd-uѕеr should…