Tag: 2FatDads

  • 7 Minutes with Windows 7

    We do a lot of Windows bashing here at 2FatDads.com and in all fairness we usually have been given many good reasons to be so negative about the aging and flailing Microsoft OS.  We’ll been using it since the Windows 3 days and most of us are very knowledge at making it do our will.…

  • Tassimo: Service Done Right

    We have this not-so-secret society here at work called The Brotherhood of The Disc, an amusing name for the 5 of us that banded together to pay top dollar for a Bosch Tassimo coffee maker. The “Why’s” of our purchase can be found here. So it’s no secret that we love our Tassimo coffee, none…

  • Coming Soon: The DadCast Entourage

    I’m still editing up the latest DaDcast… I love it when the other Dads forget we’re still rolling tape… For now I hope you enjoy this little teaser! Johnny Canuck [ad name=”2fatdads_post”] [podcast]http://www.2fatdads.com/dadcasts/DadCast-Fat_Entourage_Promo.mp3[/podcast]

  • DadCast 4: Let’s Get Googly

    Episode 4 Let’s Get Googly Nearly Live form the Wendyhouse Studios… François Fortier is joined by Eric Schultz, Steven McGurn, Ben NotKenobi This week we look into the Google Chrome OS announcement and it’s impact on the everyday user. What will the Google Chrome OS be? http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html Review of the Lifehackers wish list. 6:00 Quick…

  • DadCast 3: Bing Bung, Bang Bong

    We go Bing Bung Bang Bong for the latest Microsoft search engine, Eric’s dishwasher is declared a death trap on fire and Bell’s throttling ruins my movie night with the kids. [podcast]http://www.2fatdads.com/dadcasts/DadCast_3_BingBung-BangBong.mp3[/podcast]

  • Quite Possibly The Best Road Test Ever

    Thanks to John Gruber at Daring Fireball for this find. If there is one show I really truly miss from the Beeb it’s Top Gear. Jeremy’s Clarkson is such a well spoken and intelligent presenter and writer that you completely overlook the fact that he’s a cowboy boot wearing petrol headed hooligan. Watch it all…

  • The Dadcast Goes into Pre Beta

    We recently started toying with the idea of putting together a DadCast, a 2FatDads podcast, so I dusted off the old mic stand and put away my reels of spliced tape and decided to put WireTap Pro to the test of recording a Skype conference call between three or more of the Fat Dads. Unfortunately…

  • BlackBerry: Get with the program it’s 2009

    To be filed under WTF?!?! I was doing a little research for a post I’m writing on the BlackBerry Storm and I just had to call out BlackBerry for being complete Knobs and still requiring a user to access any of their pages with IE 5.5 or better. As a web developer, this really pisses…

  • The Reality of Cloth Diapers

    I know this is a little off track for the Technical angle we usually take on this blog but it follows suit on my own post on the Inconvenience of Saving our Planet that I wrote about last week. A inside joke here at 2 Fat Dads.com is we’re doing it for the diapers, any…

  • We’re 2 Fat Dads and We’re Geeks TOO!

    Local Montreal Techie Hottie Shira Lazar is behind this awesome “I am Canadian” spoof about being a geek. And YUP! we here at 2 Fat Dads qualify as 100% Prime Geek! Great Video Shira! [ad name=”2fatdads_post”]