DadCast Episode 36 • The European Adventure

Snow Palm HDR

Nearly Live From The Wendyhouse Studios of Bournemouth UK…

In our year end International Extravaganza, Francois and Steve travel to Europe (UK and Switzerland) while the Steph tends to the rink and Ben and Eric spend some well deserved relaxing time with their families. Chris Allen joins the Dads to discuss PS3s and parhaat suomenkieliset nettikasinot gaming, speciafically Call of Duty Black Ops, Euro-GSM phones, and how the Brits cope with snow and a wicked cold-weather snap and the way that Swiss fountains run like clock work on chocolate and cheese. The Dads also spend some time reviewing Stephane’s progress with the back yard ice rink, discuss travelling with kids and reminiscing on good times spent with old friends over the years and some of the really cool people we met this year over the InterWebs and in the “Meat Space”.

This year’s PodCamp Montreal was such a big even for us, we’d like to thank all of those who pushed us to attend and give back to the Montreal podcasting scene which also got us involved with Cupcake Camp Montreal and iSpyMontreal. Thank You so much Montreal Technorati, it’ll be a pleasure and honour to step up again in 2011 and share some more good times.

We’d also like to thank everyone who sent us a Christmas message” Stephen Hackett of, Pier-Luc Petitclerc of and, Stuart Walton, and our good friend Alister Moore.

A special thanks to Audible for their support of the DadCast:

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